Wow,so many newbies these days! Hello to all and keep them cumming! Hahaha.I am doing much better these days.I will blog about it another time.I just moved to another state.I have lived in 3 states in 9 months!
Talk about running from your problems.Noone does it like me.It takes me a long time to get into my site to blog.My webmaster has been kind enough to go thru th steps w me,but I have no patience.And I am busy with the move.I wonder how many ex friends/ex boyfriends/ex fucks,and enemies I have that read my blogs,search for my naughty photos.Well,I know u are all out there reading and all I have to say is..You're still interested in what I look like and what I am doing now arent you? You cannot get enough of me,even when I am out of your life..
Here's what has been going on...
I was strangled,assaulted,and drugged (with possibly GHB) in my drink in Feb 08.I don't care to share this w the world bcause my life is an open book.Maybe someone out there will learn something..Apparently if someone drugs you and you don't stop them from putting their dick in you,it's not called rape either.I woke up with bruises covering my neck,a dislocated breast implant,my back is fucked up at lease for now but weeks at the chiropracter has helped tremendously.Not to mention what it has done to me emotionally/mentally.
The boy who did this to me was arrested months prior for attempted murder on his ex wife.Lovely.I did the right thing and reported it.Restraining order denied.What does a fella have to do to go to jail for this shit? And when does a girl like me get a restr. granted? WhenI am dead? ANyways,I had to move far away.I am safe now.I live with a pitbull,a brand new air taser w a lazer on it,and extra strong mace with tear gas and UV ink.
I am not ashamed of what happened to me.I know it's not my fault.However,I blame myself for letting my guard down.I haven't tried dating since my last semi-seriousrelations. that I still cannot get over.That ended in July07.My last boyfriend +I called it quits in Jan 02.
I got so excited that I finally met someone, worth having dinner with.That I let my guard down.I don't think he knows my porn name.I don't think he would read this.The justice system really sucks sometimes.The good news is,I think I opened up a can of worms and basically I drew attention to his other legal issues.For that I am greatfull.I am also using my activist skills and warning other women..How u say?
Well,here's how I met the son of a bitch..Actually,the son of a heroin addict..I was looking for love online,just like millions do everyday.I can't believe how many people tell me,"Why would a girl like u NEED to look online"? I don't need to..But people don't go out like they used to,to meet others.And I didn't like the type of guys that I met when I went out in that shitty city I was living in for a few months.I liked his post,he was looking for what I was.I thought.I have been warning women on that same site.Not giving exact name and details,but letting them kno that I was put in danger.They live in th same city as him and are on the same site.So that is what I am doing.I was volunteering w a domest. violence org. over there.I never thought it would happen to me.But I am strong.I will tell u my stories.But u will never hear me say,"Poor me".
I took legal action,prepared for my emerg. move,and started my new life.If everything happens for a reason,it happened to remind me not to trust off the bat.It also got me out of a city I was so miserable in.ANd I didn't have any friend there.I am with so many friends right now.I have known them for a long time.He may not have gotten to prison for what he did to me,but he will be there soon for his other wrong doings.What provokes people to do stuff like this? Well in his case,he has a methanphetamine addiction.And he said he comes from really fucked up parents.My generation seems sooo fucked up.Most ppl I kno came from fucked up families.
Parents w addictions.Parents who were neglecting us.And guys like him want to get women back bcause their mommies pissed them off.If his mommy really did fuck him up,I'd like to ask her how she would like to be strangled,beatened and raped like her son did to me.Yeah,I am one sick bitch..I allready had a mental illness before this.I allready hated most straight men before this.Now,I am even worse.I got no sole left in me.He couldn't done this to me if I was awake.He knows that.He felt my strength.So the pussy had to knock me out.I also used my magic so I am letting the "Universe" take care of him.I didn't tell him I was a porn actress in my past.But he googled my email and found out.It's nobodys business what my past is,unless I want to tell them.I wont even tell guys I meet I am a stripper.Unless they r my boyfriend,I don't think they need to know.I am on guard all the time now.My implant looks normal on the outside now.But the soft tissue was torn underneath.So I have to wear a bra alot.I know the fact that I reprted him,when he is allready a felon,really made him angry.ANd for that,I am thrilled.If I can go back in time,I would have not called the police.I would have taken the law into my own hands.Felons don't report when bad things happen to them.Seeing that the justice system didn't do anything.U know what happens to judges who don't grant a girl who is under 100 pounds and 4'10 a restra. order?It happens to their children/grandchildren.Karma.
And to answer the "Diet" quest..I am not taking illegal drugs to keep me thin.I don't have a reput for being an addict.Infact,my directors often mentioned how cool it was that I didn't show up fucked up.I am a work out freak.I have been on all kinds of different meds and birth control pills for 12 years now.Which explains why I go from 92-98 pounds often.My antidepressants I am on now makes me talk fast and do run on sentences.How r u guys doing?