knows petras secret: she farted.
He was probably courtside in his little white t-shirt. :1orglaugh
He was probably courtside in his little white t-shirt. :1orglaugh
The thing that I took away from this years Finals is that in the end basketball is a team sport executed by committed players with a shared goal and not a skills competition where selfish interests prevail.
Please explain what you mean by that? Miami didn't lose because of "selfish interests".:dunno:
Please explain what you mean by that? Miami didn't lose because of "selfish interests".:dunno:
This thread is old. Post in the new one.
I never said that was the reason why they lost. That's just my opinion on what the game of basketball is all about.
What a stupid, goofy, overreaction to LBJ's comments.
He basically said, he's over it and in a week or month people will be over it (their elation at the demise of him and the Heat) too. Then they will be back to the normal shit they have to deal with in life...just like he already is.
What the fuck is the big deal??
The big deal is the entire package, not just the assorted pieces. News flash: nobody is gonna be over anything if you keep talking shit. The guarantees, the lies, the cop-outs, the excuses, all that shit adds up. Add that to the fact LBJ fails to carry himself like the grown-ass man that he is, only adds to the scrutiny.
He is 26, and it's high time we stop treating him like he's brand-fucking-new. Eight years in means you're a vet. It means your ass should know better by now. When you don't take responsibility or show accountablility for anything, don't play victim when people call you out on it.
I couldn't disagree more IWJ...I'm no LBJ fan but I am a huge fan of the way he's conducted himself since he's been in the NBA.
You could line up thousands of pro athletes (tens of thousands even) and wouldn't find two in a row with the maturity Lebron has demonstrated since going into the NBA.
Now of course he shoulders more responsibility to the game being one of it's 2 or 3 top stars but that's even more testament to the way he's handled himself.
Comparatively, Kobe (for example) became a superstar in time but he didn't have to shoulder it out of the gate. He's done well but he's definitely had maturity issues along the way.
The worse thing Lebron has done ...(which I tend to look down on him for too even though it was his right) is leave Cleveland high and dry.
Personally, I'm glad that he did handle the situation the way he did and make the remarks he made even if misconstrued. It shows amid all the criticisms he still has his priorities straight.
The guy's talent is undeniable, he has proven he can lead, he's proven he can delegate and he's proven he can come up big when it counts. He just doesn't have a ring yet. At 26, it would probably be a mistake betting against him retiring ringless.
People don't dislike him because he left Cleveland, they dislike him because of the way he left Cleveland.
What a stupid, goofy, overreaction to LBJ's comments.
He basically said, he's over it and in a week or month people will be over it (their elation at the demise of him and the Heat) too. Then they will be back to the normal shit they have to deal with in life...just like he already is.
What the fuck is the big deal??
I couldn't disagree more IWJ...I'm no LBJ fan but I am a huge fan of the way he's conducted himself since he's been in the NBA.
You could line up thousands of pro athletes (tens of thousands even) and wouldn't find two in a row with the maturity Lebron has demonstrated since going into the NBA.
Now of course he shoulders more responsibility to the game being one of it's 2 or 3 top stars but that's even more testament to the way he's handled himself.
Comparatively, Kobe (for example) became a superstar in time but he didn't have to shoulder it out of the gate. He's done well but he's definitely had maturity issues along the way.
The worse thing Lebron has done ...(which I tend to look down on him for too even though it was his right) is leave Cleveland high and dry.
Personally, I'm glad that he did handle the situation the way he did and make the remarks he made even if misconstrued. It shows amid all the criticisms he still has his priorities straight.
The guy's talent is undeniable, he has proven he can lead, he's proven he can delegate and he's proven he can come up big when it counts. He just doesn't have a ring yet. At 26, it would probably be a mistake betting against him retiring ringless.
It's obvious that when poeple have this irrational hate for a man they don't know all reason goes out the window.
I agree with Lebron that it seems that people should have more pressing everyday issues they need to deal with(just like he does) than worrying about whether a couple of guys worth hundreds of millions of dollars win a Basketball game or not( The Governor of Ohio is even chiming in).
This is the type of vitriol I would expect for someone who committed some heinous crime:1orglaugh(Say Rae Carruth ,OJ ,etc....)
Lebron James hasn't gotten as much as a speeding ticket in his entire life that I am aware of ,but he is hated because he didn't leave a pro sports team the 'correct' way?![]()
As a Lakers fan the only good thing that has come of this is at least people will appreciate Kobe more and what he's done.
Don't get me wrong girk...I completely understand the 'hatred' and the in your faceism being directed at Lebron and the Heat.
Him leaving Cleveland, the preseason 'pep rally' and the season long Heat championship watch was tailor made for a backlash and 'hatred' if this team did anything short of nearly sweeping everyone in the playoffs.
I get that reality and to a degree I'm a part of that :nanner:ism.
But what is completely unfair is the criticism of Lebron not doing this or doing that...when the guy has made plays in crunch games and crunch time since he's been in the NBA. Then the criticizing (nitpicking) of what he said...he spoke the truth and it was a mature response as far as I'm concerned.
When I heard the huh-bub over it...you would have thought he said he was going to eat someone's children or something. At least that is what I was expecting to hear after all the phony sensationalism over what he said.
His talent is indisputable(not even debatable) and as an NBA fan I prefer appreciating that talent than nitpicking over PETTY bullshit because he hurt the people of Cleveland's wittle feelings.:crying: