I thought the Heat played pretty impressive defense for a team that hadn't played a complete game together in the preseason. The Heat started off poorly but got stronger as the game wore on.
Once they jell...it's lights out Eastern Conference :thefinger
I thought the Celtics played very poorly too.
It's game 1 of the season. The Celtics are a Top 3 team in the East. It wasn't like this was the Warriors going up by 20 on the Heat.
I think 70 wins is a very achievable goal for the Heat this season. :yesyes:
Not surprised coming from a Heat fan. The problem is that their big 3 don't even compliment eachother. They got 2 ball dominant players who need it to be effective and a jump shot happy big in Bosh. They also have 0 lane intimidation and inside presence.
The Heat will be better when Mike Miller comes back and they aren't forced to play Chalmers or Arroyo anymore, who are absolutely useless with 2 ball handlers at the wing already.
Boston on the other hand assembled a group that compliments eachother. Rondo is a dynamic pass first pg, Ray Allen can move and play without the ball, Pierce can do it all, and while KG is a finesse big, he has good enough post moves that he can go to when he needs to post guys up, not to mention that he is the anchor to Boston's great defense. Then they got bigs who provide more defense and lane intimidation in the 2 O'Neals, and it'll only get better when Perkins returns.
I'm not a Celtics fan, I'm from Toronto, so I'm a Raptors fan, but I'm just saying...