My Retraction

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I'm not entirely sure what's has been going on here as of recently but it seems like some sort of civil war between people with more then 1,000 posts. People relax. This shouldn't be that big of a deal, if you join a forum the moderators are in charge its that simple. Its there house. They can ban whomever they like and honestly we don't get to know why cause its not our business.
As for trashing on other forums, thats just high school nonsense and for you all to go on and on about it... that only gives it some level of seriousness. There isn't anything you can do about it except brood and be angry or just ignore it and go about your regular day.
Seriously, i haven't even bothered to look in the talk section in the recent weeks because all it is is hate chat, gossip and poison. Say what you want, i'm just a relative newbie but from that newbie outside perspective that's what i see. I'm pretty sure i havent said anything offensive but if i have then i didn't mean too. It might not even be a bad idea for Mods to shut down threads that have to do with all this angry gosspy stuff. Now collectivly lets all take a deep breath and put this all to rest.
oh yeah, great idea@ thechosenone... let's just ignore all of the things that happened because ignorance is always a great way to solve a problem and the best is... it's so easy...!
thechosenone said:
I'm not entirely sure what's has been going on here as of recently but it seems like some sort of civil war between people with more then 1,000 posts. People relax. This shouldn't be that big of a deal, if you join a forum the moderators are in charge its that simple. Its there house. They can ban whomever they like and honestly we don't get to know why cause its not our business.
As for trashing on other forums, thats just high school nonsense and for you all to go on and on about it... that only gives it some level of seriousness. There isn't anything you can do about it except brood and be angry or just ignore it and go about your regular day.
Seriously, i haven't even bothered to look in the talk section in the recent weeks because all it is is hate chat, gossip and poison. Say what you want, i'm just a relative newbie but from that newbie outside perspective that's what i see. I'm pretty sure i havent said anything offensive but if i have then i didn't mean too. It might not even be a bad idea for Mods to shut down threads that have to do with all this angry gosspy stuff. Now collectivly lets all take a deep breath and put this all to rest.

your a bit late with your opinion mate.....


You're about a week late on your opinion Chosen one, the free speech was closed on Monday.


Famousbabes said:
What side is that?

Ignorance is bliss isn't it? You know what side.
Hey, how about you get on the phone with your boss and tell him how big an ass he is! :thefinger
thanks for the info. :ban:
Brino said:
Ignorance is bliss isn't it? You know what side.
Hey, how about you get on the phone with your boss and tell him how big an ass he is! :thefinger
Hey why don't you to do it yourself. :thefinger :thefinger
All I have to say is that this whole situation is complete crap, total bs.....this place is becoming more like the real world every day and that sucks, we dont come here to fight and argue, yet that seems to be all thats going on here lately, why te big debate on who's right and who's wrong???? WHO CARES!!!!!! What's done is done, its in the past, cant we all just move on and start having fun and having normal topics of conversation???? Come on people, let's move on from this.
^ I Agree. :)
^ yep :ban:
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