My girlfriend wants to fuck me in the ass

I love it up the ass from girls and I'm not gay. Now give me some of that cock big boy.

See, you're the homophob! Gay is not a dirty word, dude. There's no reason to hate gays, or yourself for that matter. But this topic isn't about you, and how you take it up the ass either.
would this be considered homophobe?

i was on the bus and this gay dude got on so i put all my shit on the seat next to me. I guess that's considered offensive but i couldn't give a damn...
People throw this "homophobic" word out left and right like they know what their talking about. Like I'm a homophob cause I don't take it up the ass? Yeah, that makes sense. Some of my gayest friends are gay. But who are the homophobs you're probably asking yourself? I'll tell you. It's not the dudes who don't desire getting fucked in the ass. It's the dudes who, not only participate, but enjoy and get pleasure from gay sex, and say they aren't gay! Like who is kidding who? You're not gay cause you fear the lifestyle? You take it up the ass, does it really matter if it's from a guy or a girl? Of course not.

And for all you youngsters out there, don't you go believing that there's a "g-spot" up a guys ass....there's not. It's a "gay spot".

My friends, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty. Let us reward the innocent.
MMMmmm! Lot's of doings on my favorite thread...let's see:
First and foremost:
[size=-2](what? yes Gianna that thread got bumped again. yes I know you're still sad about Senob's decision but he was quite definitive about it)[/size]
I have flip-flopped again. I am no longer anti-anal eroticism. However there are only two women who I will let fuck my ass: Gianna Michaels and my fiancee. Since my fiancee wouldn't do it, here I come my Gianna!!!!
PS-Nothing pleases a woman quite so much as having access to her man's ass! Isn't that SO GAY!!!
Nobody is being homophobic, we're just calling it what it is....gayness to the extreme!!!!
You're pitching it like it's a fruity new energy drink!

Liquid Gay--"If you're not gay now, you will be!"TM

...I wouldn't like watching people with diarrhea spray shit all over the place either. That doesn’t exactly make me diarrhea-phobic.

But would you run from the diarrhea if it threatened to touch you? If so, then maybe you are a diarrhea-phobe. Join us, we are the world's most inclusive self-help group, Diarrhea Fearers. It is estimated that 99.1% of the world's population fears diarrhea so you are not alone. We will help you to start seeing diarrhea as "just another brown liquid"!


"Is that beef stew or diarrhea? It doesn't matter to me anymore!"C.A. Chicago, IL

"I just got in a diarrhea fight...and I feel great!"Senob, Lyndhurst, NJ

"I used to hate it, but now I use it in all my recipes!"C.C.C. Chicago IL
My girlfriend and I have talked about her using a strap-on with me.

...I'm open to experimenting.


knows petras secret: she farted.
My girlfriend and I have talked about her using a strap-on with me.

...I'm open to experimenting.

good for you. think about it. its give and take. if my girl wanted to do it to me, id do it no questions asked. whatever i can do to fulfill her sexual fantasies, the better. after all, you will have grounds to make your own requests.
good for you. think about it. its give and take. if my girl wanted to do it to me, id do it no questions asked. whatever i can do to fulfill her sexual fantasies, the better. after all, you will have grounds to make your own requests.

At the risk of being kinda gross...

Well. When we first stared dating it came up as a joke and I said "yeah, sure."

Then after we had dated for about a month or so I got mono with a complication of hepatitis. The nausua was severe, I was throwing up every 15 minutes or so for a couple of days. Well, to treat that symptom, I had to take a suppository.

...I kinda liked it.

I told her about this and she grinned.

"So. About the strap-on."

"We'll see."
Wait...gross? Don't you mean kinda gay? :dunno:

For some reason the possibility of talking about suppositories for throwing up every 15 minute churning some stomachs crossed my mind.


knows petras secret: she farted.
At the risk of being kinda gross...

Well. When we first stared dating it came up as a joke and I said "yeah, sure."

Then after we had dated for about a month or so I got mono with a complication of hepatitis. The nausua was severe, I was throwing up every 15 minutes or so for a couple of days. Well, to treat that symptom, I had to take a suppository.

...I kinda liked it.

I told her about this and she grinned.

"So. About the strap-on."

"We'll see."

right on yo. thats awesome you are being honest and open. :thumbsup:


Closed Account
Tried but did not like. S'pose the Torah, Bible and Koran are right after all. The bum's designed for number twos and farting, nought else.