My girlfriend wants to fuck me in the ass


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Since when is a finger in the ass considered getting fucked? :rolleyes:
she wants to fuck you in the ass becoz she wants to make you her bitch so the best thing to do is run away from her as fast and far as possible


Let her!

You won't regret it!

Yes you will!
Just tell her what I tell every woman that ask me the same thing.

My assholes is as pure as the untouched, virgin snow.
I can not allow it to descend into the darkness of oblivion.
My assholes is a beckon of light in the darkness.
I guide those souls that have wondered of the path of righteousness.
My asshole is the only hope of man kind.
I can not fail my fellow man.
My asshole is Legend.


Nope I have no interest and havent even tried it alone....But if your some dude that is partial to fingering your own ass I can imagine this would be interesting.
Might as well let her practice her QB candence? Maybe your GF can be a QB on your flag football team next season? :dunno:
There are some major homophobes in this thread. Some guys are saying they aren't comfortable with it because they beileve that it's only an exit, that's fine. But to the people who are saying that it is gay for a Woman and a Man to engage in a sexual interaction is beyond me. So what if the Women is wearing a strap on, shes just trying to pleasure her Man.

To the guys that say this would make the Man submissive in general life. Well that's all up to how you handle it. You both control your emotions and how the relationship is maintained outside of the bedroom. Just because you get pleasure from your girlfriend with a strap on, that doesn't mean you turn into some barking guy on his knees asking to be spanke, this isn't the movies.

People who are making these assumptions are just people who are insecure. If you know how to handle a relationship with someone you love; no matter what happens, then you wouldn't be saying such things.

And I bet to the guys who are saying "That it's gay to be fucked in the ass with a strap on by a chick!" would change their minds fast; if they had a chance to get with a chick like this offering them a wild night.


(Yes, she has done it to her husband the wrestle Triple H)