...I shot as many times in a year as most girls shoot in a month. I was very choosy who I worked with and only did scenes for established professional companies. I turned down more shoots than I did because I wasn't comfortable with the talent that they wanted me to work with. Most girls just do the scenes and don't think twice.
I'm sure there's something to be said of the contributing factor of drug use/abuse in contracting and spreading of STD's in the porn world.
WHy don't you go to the funeral of a dead soldier with a "God Hates Fag's" sign or something? you cleary are here to disrupt and be negative and the very fact that you are here shows that this board is not preiudice and caters to OCSM's. You prove that theory.
My 1rst Amendment attorney also SPECIALIZES in 2257 law you fucking moron.
And when well known whores are speaking out about how they caught diseases yet getting a train run on them 3 nights a week by strangers in hotel rooms, I don't take stock in them knowing where it came from.
In nearly 600 scenes I NEVER GOT A SINGLE STD!! So please sell your Jesus loves you shit someplace else you fucking loser
LOL...not prejudice to OCSM's !... yet you are allowed to go around with full protection of Mods spewing all types of ridiculous lunacy and talking about "fags" and calling people "Morons" and "douches"....and this from the same woman talking about the embarrasing behavior of young people with their pants sagging...but aparrently that bad behavior doesn't extend to their "whore" mothers who fuck on camera for a living and curse like a sailor...wow you and Sabrina are quite a piece of work...
Ok so you're attorney specializes in 2257, then LIKE I SAID if you don't know about the MILLER TEST, and if you don't know it applies to your pornographic websites, then you, and your attorney are BOTH complete fucking idiots..
Yeah, like was said by some other pornstars, everybody in the industry has something (STDs) but most won't tell you...so you lie and deflect the issue in the rest of this thread, but I guess you're nothing but 100% truthful about your STD issue...yeah I bet you are
And then you and Sabrina talk about how much you care about all the porn workers...yet when ex-pornstars come and share their stories about the ills of the industry that they experienced so as to try and make things better..all you can call them is "whores" and "test fakers"..I guess like you're somehow better than them !?!?
In any event, the attitutdes of you and Sabrina just re-enforce what I said in the first place..."you get what you deserve"...you don't care about each other, or anything but your selfish warped greedy agenda, and you're willing to tell as many ridiculous bold-faced lies as necessary, or throw as many of your fellow porn people under the bus as necessary, to fit your needs....so quit all the pointless whining...you know you don't care about anything but the next dollar...so STFU and get back to work...
I'll be right here commenting and observing for years to come with MUCH joy and pleasure, and ABSOLUTELY NO GUILT, because I know exactly what type of person I'm watching when I hit the "play" button ..lolololol
I remember one male performer years ago who did porn scenes in brazil and brought back HIV. He kept on doing porn, and he spread the virus around.
I don't know about you, but I would feel that someone that came up to me and broke my legs with a baseball bat should deserve some time in prison. If you feel that breaking legs is worse than syphilis then you obviously have not looked at the potential symptoms which include and are not limited to - lesions and skin ulceration, which may occur outside of the genitals. The most common location in women is the cervix (44%), the penis in heterosexual men (99%), and anally and rectally in gay men. Other symptoms include fever, sore throat, malaise, weight loss, hair loss, and headache. The lesions can also occur on the brain, causing Neurosyphilis which include symptoms such as blindness and retardation.
neve rhad a single STD for one, I shot as many times in a year as most girls shoot in a month. I was very choosy who I worked with and only did scenes for established professional companies. I turned down more shoots than I did because I wasn't comfortable with the talent that they wanted me to work with. Most girls just do the scenes and don't think twice.
I agree the risk is huge and I just got very lucky or have a great immune system.
He was getting treated through a private doctor. Marcus didn't lie because he wanted to work. He thought he was cured and of the last three women he worked with, they were tested as negative. You are basically just out to target this guy as if he is a monster or was the first and only one to be infected. Female adult stars (some not all) carry herpes and you woouldn't call that a crime yet you would put all your strong hatred on someone like Mr Marcus? Would you be saying all your one dimensional theories had a female performer been contracted? Of course not. You would be like the rest of the poor saps on here who love sucking up to them and without doubt be giving them the green light. My God. You just see it from one fucking perspective.
I allegedly own? Ask Roald and Petra if I own them idiot. I have dealt with them for 8 years now. I supposed the videos and photos of me in all those places are faked too right?
And again, knowingly fucking someone with a sexually transmitted disease and not telling the other person is a FELONY. I am not making it up douche suck. You are so busy touting the 2257 and condom law, what about that law??
I own porn sites certainly, and I have a 1rst amendment specialist attorney who advises me on every aspect and a 2257 compliance company that maintains my records. I don't pretend to know the legal intricacies like you do. I hire someone to do that so it is all in order, so again, fuck your stupid self.
And Deepcover, you continue to prove my point. You are now defending Michael Vick and that his teammates voted for him? lol another guy who only stopped because he was caught. He murdered and tortured hundreds of dogs. He bought dogs from shelters and broke their hips with a sledgehammer and put it into a ring with a starving pitbull that he fed gun powder to teach it to kill. Sound like a "good guy" to you? Did you ever watch the ESPN special on dog fighting after Vick was caught? The undercover guy who attended more than 50 dog fights said that at every single high profile dog fight he went to they were attended by many professional atheletes who were wagering tens of thousands of dollars on every fight. Guess which race they were? It is no secret that dog fighting is very prominant among professional athletes. When Vick got caught it was a wakeup call so now they are believed to be holding their big fights in Mexico. Another instance of the culture being negative and hopeless if there aren't more good role models.
There is one easy way to make this clear:
Did he lie?
Yup. He lied. And he shouldn't have. Don't give a shit about how good a guy you think he is. Don't give a shit about anyone trying to defend him. He simply was untruthful. And his lies infected other people. Is there really any other side to this argument?
Yes but those who find find him as a disgrace to the porn industry are saying much about themselves, and nothing useful.
There is one easy way to make this clear:
Did he lie?
Yup. He lied. And he shouldn't have. Don't give a shit about how good a guy you think he is. Don't give a shit about anyone trying to defend him. He simply was untruthful. And his lies infected other people. Is there really any other side to this argument?
Let me make this as simple as possible for you:
Does the WHOLE industry have the STD Herpes... according to Rocco and Belladonna, and Derrick Burts the answer is YES
Do they knowingly and untruthfully work with the disease everyday and spread it...YES
Does AIMS, the industry STD testing Agency, know about it..YES...and do they PURPOSELY not test for it...YES
Does the industry break the law everday by not follow existing condom laws...YES
So whats your argument again..Oh that's right, you don't have one.
Actually, I thought what I said was pretty clear. And you're a douche.
Anything else?