I know everyone is identifying Marcus as Patient Zero, but like any epidemic you need to determine the true spread, who else was filming during July and August, in particular talent from LA Direct, reason being, and especially with talent that flies in, they are on a tight schedule, typically 2 weeks of filming and shoot as many as 20 scenes in that period, every one with a different co-star, and probably flew in with recent tests therefore got cleared by producer and scenes shot, so if someone caught this during that period they wont show up, so I figure that the spread hasn't peaked yet, I reckon we'll see the peak near the end of September, when those that did catch have had to go get tested before shooting again.
I know of one newbie star that does this, and flew into LA for 2 weeks of shoots, landing in LA around Aug 14, did at least 5 BG shoots, but was sent home at the end of the first week, Veronica Rodriguez. I'm not saying she has syphilis, hey, even if she does, she may only be stage 1 and not realise it.
There are hundreds of others that will have this routine and lifestyle, I think we're overlooking this broader concern, because we're fixated with Marcus.
To add to this problem, and not to depress everyone, but when these girls fly in to LA for 2 weeks filming, most of them are also escorting in between shoots and doing favors if you know wht I mean, I'm not aware of any escort clients operating same precautions as producers so the likelihood that syphilis has affected the general public is very high. I know for a fact that Veronica Rodriguez is escorting, she's listed with TLC,
http://www.theluxurycompanion.com/view.php?id=310 and openingly advertises on her twitter to contact her via a new booking email, listed in her twitter bio. She's not the only one, I know of at least 20 other girls doing the same thing, as I've used them and made contact and arrangements via twitter. (I no longer use twitter btw, too unreliable, gone back to using agencies like TLC)
Pornstars know the risks, clients of escorts are less aware, just my view. I hope these statements encourage a broader debate and also maybe we can identify other Pornstars who were actively shooting during this period.