Movies you can watch over and over

Art thou truly the Lord thy God?
Ten Commandments, seen it a zillion times, have pretty much all the
dialogue memorized.
Lost Weekend.
To Sir With Love, makes me cry four times every time I see it.
I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 3 times in a row once.

I watched it many times too..
And "Requiem for a Dream" is another one I forgot..

whalers90 asked us to name just top-3, but it is quite impossible, cuz many movies are so different, but amazing at the same time, no way to compare them and choose which one is better or more favourite.


Postal Paranoiac
Searching For Bobby Fisher
Stand By Me
A Soldier's Story
1: The Patriot
2: Field Of Dreams
3: Dogma (especially Selma Hayak dancing):D
4: Animal House
1: All six of the Star Wars films
2: All six of the Superman films (including Supergirl)
3: All four Batman films (I don't include Batman Forever/Batman & Robin but do include Batman the Movie (1966))
4: The Beastmaster
5: The Matrix
I find it hard nowadays to watch a movie forever without getting sick of it, but some that I used to play RELENTLESLY:

Taxi Driver: The scenes with Denirro are classic and used to make me roll. ;)

Basketball Diaries: Sick movie; great acting and it also makes me roll. ;)

This Boys Life: The brawl with Denirro and DiCaprio at the end is classic. Just a great movie that draws you in.

In the Line of Fire: I think John Malkovich is one of the great actors of our time. One of my favorite movies of all time.

American Psycho: One word: HILLARIOUS. :)

Some others that I love:

Saturday Night Fever
Saving Private Ryan

And a few others. Some have been mentioned here. ;)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND