Yes, her daughter is thirteen. Assault in anyway of a young person like her is uncalled for.
But setting a person on fire and murdering them is ok?
Yes, her daughter is thirteen. Assault in anyway of a young person like her is uncalled for.
But setting a person on fire and murdering them is ok?![]()
How is what this woman did "JUSTICE?"
She set a guy on fire and he died. She is no better than the rapist now.
Some of the posts are amazing here at times aren't they.It's like we have been transported back a few hundred years to medieval times with all the so-called civilizing centuries in between non existent in many peoples outlooks.
I bet somewhere at some point a lot of the sex acts some of the posters like to view here were also a good reason to be burned alive over as well.
Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The Allies fought back.
Does that mean the Allied army was as bad as the Nazi's?
I hate to sound like a schoolyard kid, but "He started it".
Now for the mother, does she deserve to die?
If a batter gets hit in the head with a fastball and he charges the mound, swings his bat at the pitcher's head and breaks every bone in the pitcher's face, would you say "the pitcher started it?" No, you would be like "what a dick."
I'm not defending the rapist in this case or what he did to that girl, but it's kind of ridiculous that people will bitch and moan about what was being done in Guantanamo Bay, but they have no problem with this woman setting a man on fire and killing him.
Yes, her daughter was raped, but that gives her no right to kill somebody. Technically, murder is a worse crime than rape, yet, people are saying that this woman was exhibiting justice by burning this guy alive.
being burned alive is not a fitting punishment for his crime and hopefully she will be severly punished for meeting out her own personal justice.
Well going by the logic set forth by so many here, his mother should now be able to set her on fire and I suppose because she didnt rape him only murdered him, she can shit on her corpse aswell. You know just to even it out.![]()
WHAT THE FUCK!? Get out of the thread. If you can't tell the difference between an sporting accident and a rape/world war, you need to be taken out back and shot.
IMO anybody that questions the mothers actions consider if the rape victim was your daughter, mother, sister, cousin..etc..and the perp only got 9 fuckin years for treating your loved one with NO respect and RAPED her not just physically but that is a severely punishing mental trauma as well!
Now imagine your brother, cousin, son, etc... set on fire and killed for raping a women, when he knew he did wrong.
I think that's the kicker in her defense.Assuming that she knew without a doubt that he actually raped her daughter, and that the later interaction occurred on the street ("How's your daughter?" - I mean, WTF???!!), it's hard not to cheer for the mother.