Mother Sets Fire to Daughter's Rapist (He died from the injuries)

Will E Worm

This is actually getting me pumped up to see that new movie coming out. I don't know what it's called, but these kids kill someones daughter. The father looks to seek revenge on these kids.

The Last House on the Left

After kidnapping and brutally assaulting two young women, a gang led by a prison escapee (Dillahunt) unknowingly finds refuge at a vacation home belonging the parents of one of the victims -- a mother (Potter) and father (Goldwyn) who devise an increasingly gruesome series of revenge tactics


Re: Mother Sets Fire to Daughter's Rapist (He died from the injuries)

That's the best news I've heard in months ! :party:

Serves the asshole right ! :)
When the "justice" system can't do their job, yes it is. :hatsoff:
So, who decides when the justice system has failed?
Who decides what is appropriate vigilante justice?
What happens when this so-called justice results in an innocent person being killed?

What a great idea, lets not attempt to change the justice system but totally disregard it when, apparently, it doesn't do its job & resort to lawlessness! What an improvement to society that would create. . .NOT! Anyone can dispense their own brand of justice to anyone without any legal repercussions! What a wonderful step forward! :(


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
So, who decides when the justice system has failed?

When a man gets only nine years for raping a young girl, the justice system has failed. You cannot argue over something like that. The man was sick, and because of the mom there is one less freak in the world. The man was not innocent, and he did not regret the crime if he openly taunted the mom over it.
When a man gets only nine years for raping a young girl, the justice system has failed. You cannot argue over something like that. The man was sick, and because of the mom there is one less freak in the world. The man was not innocent, and he did not regret the crime if he openly taunted the mom over it.

Of COURSE you can argue over appropriate punishments for crimes. These sentences are arbitrary, they're judgment calls, and for every 100 people you ask, you might get 100 different answers. Some people would think this guy should've been executed from the start. Other people would call for castration. Others wouuld say 50 years, 100 years, or "just" 20.

To me, the more important question that needs to be asked when dealing with the ped-os is how we can ensure that they won't re-offend. 9 years seems too little, but for a non-fatal crime, what is too MUCH? Is 100 years reasonable? Perhaps he should have been relocated to another town than the one where the girl lived, and had an ankle monitor to enforce that, for a few years, maybe more, I don't know...

I'm actually NOT a fan of vigilante justice, but in this particular case, again, ASSUMING that the woman absolutely had no doubt who this man was, I can't find much sympathy for the creepy guy, but then perhaps death is an extreme punishment for that crime, even as awful as it is...

How is what this woman did "JUSTICE?"

She set a guy on fire and he died. She is no better than the rapist now.

Yeah, well I think that's a totally valid question. This wasn't even "an eye for an eye" - it's more like a HEAD for an eye.

Maybe if she'd shot him right in the cock-and-bulls, maybe that'd been something closer to justice???

Still, when I read the story, I had a hard time imagining myself trying to stop the lady, esp. after him saying what he's alleged to have said - sooooo creepy: "How's your daughter?"

(Thanks for your comment!)

Will E Worm

How is what this woman did "JUSTICE?"

She set a guy on fire and he died. She is no better than the rapist now.

He assaulted a 13-year-old girl at knife point and then had the nerve to gloat about what he had done. Showing no remorse for his actions whatsoever.

Now she is as bad as he is!? :rolleyes: Think this through again.
:hatsoff: to the mother. Capital punishment should be implemented for sexual assault. It is an unforgivable crime. :mad:
He assaulted a 13-year-old girl at knife point and then had the nerve to gloat about what he had done. Showing no remorse for his actions whatsoever.

Now she is as bad as he is!? :rolleyes: Think this through again.

What is there to think about? She set a guy on fire and murdered him. Yes, her daughter was raped, which is awful, but she is no better than the rapist now.

We don't live in an "eye for an eye" society, so how is what she did considered "justice?" If somebody robbed her house and stole $3,000 worth of jewelry, would it be "justice" if she found out where that person lived and burned their house down?

She lowered herself to the rapist's level of scuminess and she is no better than him. She's a murderer, plain and simple. If her daughter was beaten up, robbed, but not raped, would you still justify this mother's actions?
Why I agree that she should have waited until after he left the bar and got out into the open, I do have to applaud her. The bastard deserved it.
We don't live in an "eye for an eye" society
Maybe we should

What is there to think about? She set a guy on fire and murdered him. Yes, her daughter was raped, which is awful, but she is no better than the rapist now.

Quit a bite better

If somebody robbed her house and stole $3,000 worth of jewelry, would it be "justice" if she found out where that person lived and burned their house down?


If her daughter was beaten up, robbed, but not raped, would you still justify this mother's actions?
