Mother Sets Fire to Daughter's Rapist (He died from the injuries)


Feel good story of the week.
But setting a person on fire and murdering them is ok? :rolleyes:

Some of the posts are amazing here at times aren't they.It's like we have been transported back a few hundred years to medieval times with all the so-called civilizing centuries in between non existent in many peoples outlooks.
I bet somewhere at some point a lot of the sex acts some of the posters like to view here were also a good reason to be burned alive over as well.


How is what this woman did "JUSTICE?"

She set a guy on fire and he died. She is no better than the rapist now.

Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The Allies fought back.

Does that mean the Allied army was as bad as the Nazi's?

I hate to sound like a schoolyard kid, but "He started it".
Some of the posts are amazing here at times aren't they.It's like we have been transported back a few hundred years to medieval times with all the so-called civilizing centuries in between non existent in many peoples outlooks.
I bet somewhere at some point a lot of the sex acts some of the posters like to view here were also a good reason to be burned alive over as well.

I'm not defending the rapist in this case or what he did to that girl, but it's kind of ridiculous that people will bitch and moan about what was being done in Guantanamo Bay, but they have no problem with this woman setting a man on fire and killing him.

Yes, her daughter was raped, but that gives her no right to kill somebody. Technically, murder is a worse crime than rape, yet, people are saying that this woman was exhibiting justice by burning this guy alive.

Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The Allies fought back.

Does that mean the Allied army was as bad as the Nazi's?

I hate to sound like a schoolyard kid, but "He started it".

If a batter gets hit in the head with a fastball and he charges the mound, swings his bat at the pitcher's head and breaks every bone in the pitcher's face, would you say "the pitcher started it?" No, you would be like "what a dick."
I want to say, "Well, he got what he deserved", but I just cant. It's hard for me to say someone deserves to get set on fire and die. The guy was sick, but come on!

The girl will someday move forward from this and may someday help others who were also victoms. Her life is far from ruined.

The man's life was taken away without a chance for forgiveness. Who knows, he might have learned from his actions and move on to do great things. I'm pretty sure he probably had a family too.

Now for the mother, does she deserve to die?


If a batter gets hit in the head with a fastball and he charges the mound, swings his bat at the pitcher's head and breaks every bone in the pitcher's face, would you say "the pitcher started it?" No, you would be like "what a dick."

WHAT THE FUCK!? Get out of the thread. If you can't tell the difference between an sporting accident and a rape/world war, you need to be taken out back and shot.
I'm not defending the rapist in this case or what he did to that girl, but it's kind of ridiculous that people will bitch and moan about what was being done in Guantanamo Bay, but they have no problem with this woman setting a man on fire and killing him.

Yes, her daughter was raped, but that gives her no right to kill somebody. Technically, murder is a worse crime than rape, yet, people are saying that this woman was exhibiting justice by burning this guy alive.

I know you are not defending him,neithier am I.But being burned alive is not a fitting punishment for his crime and hopefully she will be severly punished for meeting out her own personal justice.And on your comment on guantanamo and torture I don't think you would find most of the people defending her actions condemning that eithier.Again its like were back to the middle ages with people thinking we should burn people or put them on the rack and torture them etc.


being burned alive is not a fitting punishment for his crime and hopefully she will be severly punished for meeting out her own personal justice.

If the justice system worked, maybe people wouldn't have to take it into their own hands, but it doesnt.

Girl I was friends with got beaten and dragged into a bush in broad daylight, she was raped for over 45 minutes. They caught the guy, arrested him, and he went to jail. FOR 6 MONTHS. Does that sound like a fitting punishment?

Fuck that. Burn them all.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
IMO anybody that questions the mothers actions consider if the rape victim was your daughter, mother, sister, cousin..etc..and the perp only got 9 fuckin years for treating your loved one with NO respect and RAPED her not just physically but that is a severely punishing mental trauma as well! :mad:

I'd say the mental trauma is just as evil and damaging as the actual assault! the guy deserved what he got! no doubt the woman overstepped her boundaries but I can't blame her! :thefinger
So, clearly a lot of you think the crime of rape (um....would that include cases of date-rape, btw?) should result in punishments greater than 10 years. So, what should it be? Life in prison? It is interesting to think about.

What if this guy had simply badly beaten her with (for example) a wrench and put her in the hospital for a week or so, but there was no element of sexual assault? Then what would you call for?
Okay, lets use this case as a "For example" in what would be justice.

This guy mentally abused and forever tortured this girls mind and body with the knife and rape.

EQUAL JUSTICE: Once the girl and family members have had time to recover. The girl needs to re-empower herself, regain control of her state of mind.

In a controlled environment, he is handcuffed and held at knife point by the family, they verbally assault him. The girl gets to jam a very thich 20 inch strap on in his ass. She may do this for as long as she needs to and taunt him as well. All this is done in front of the prison population of the jail this ass is a resident of.

Should this pedo ever get out of prison for what ever reason, he is never to see or speak to this girl or her family for the rest of his life. If he does, he can be arrested and then publicly raped again by the family at a live sporting event, preferebly a half-time show.

This could be just ONE example.

(This particular case hits to close to home, so forgive me if I'm a little over the top.)
Well going by the logic set forth by so many here, his mother should now be able to set her on fire and I suppose because she didnt rape him only murdered him, she can shit on her corpse aswell. You know just to even it out. :rolleyes:

Exactly. Where does it end? If we lived in an "eye for an eye" society, we'd all be dead within a few weeks. It would be the most deadly butterfly effect imaginable.

I went to a restaurant once and my steak was cold. I wanted justice, so I slashed the cook's tires. He then found out that it was me who slashed his tires and decided to steal my autographed Mickey Mantle baseball bat. After I found out that the cook stole my bat, I poisoned his dog. When he found out that I poisoned his dog, he smashed my son's head in with a brick. When I found out that he killed my son, I put a pipe bomb in his parent's bedroom and blew up his family.

So, I killed his whole family just because he sent me a cold steak. With the logic in this thread, given the chain of events that I went through, I was completely justified for killing that cook's family, just because he "started it" by serving me a cold steak.

WHAT THE FUCK!? Get out of the thread. If you can't tell the difference between an sporting accident and a rape/world war, you need to be taken out back and shot.

What? There's a difference between baseball and rape? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?!

I was pointing out how ridiculous the argument of "he started it" is. It obviously worked because you immediately turned to insults, which is usually the first place people go when they have nothing constructive to say.
IMO anybody that questions the mothers actions consider if the rape victim was your daughter, mother, sister, cousin..etc..and the perp only got 9 fuckin years for treating your loved one with NO respect and RAPED her not just physically but that is a severely punishing mental trauma as well!

I would be pissed, but I wouldn't set fire to a man only for him to die. I wouldn't punnish him for the mistake by the judicial system! The man did worng, but should be given the chance to repent his sin.

Now imagine your brother, cousin, son, etc... set on fire and killed for raping a women, when he knew he did wrong.
The mental institution where the guy (sane people do not rape 13yr old kids) should have spent the rest of his life now has place for that woman (sane people do not burn other people).
Now imagine your brother, cousin, son, etc... set on fire and killed for raping a women, when he knew he did wrong.

If it was my brother... he would never make it to jail. He wouldn't survive the night, I would PERSONALLY make sure of that.

I can vouche for my ENTIRE family and say they would agree with me on this.
That's the kicker ... she gets manslaughter, house arrest ...

Assuming that she knew without a doubt that he actually raped her daughter, and that the later interaction occurred on the street ("How's your daughter?" - I mean, WTF???!!), it's hard not to cheer for the mother.
I think that's the kicker in her defense.

This was not pre-mediated but brought on by her daughter's assailant, proven guilty in a court-of-law, who used his 3-day pass to taunt the victim's family. A great asshole who uses his situation and rights to abuse the family even further. So what he did could be considered borderline assault, although not with battery, by traveling to the town and making the comment.

So what now?

1. Manslaughter, she serves under house arrest

She's convicted of manslaughter, as the incident was brought on by the assailant who chose to return to the home on a weekend pass and confront the mother. Again, it was not pre-meditated and given his putting her mother in that "situation," brought on by his actions. His death is the only thing they can pin on her, given that virtual, immediate "insanity" and she gets manslaughter, not murder.

2. The government entity goes under review

Whomever fucked up and gave this man a weekend pass without evaluating what the fuck he was going to do with it should be questioned, extensively. After that, reviews of how sexual assailants are addressed should be scrutinized, especially when it comes to passes and parole let alone release. If they cannot be functioning, respectful, responsible members of society, then they are not rehabilitated, and that's the problem people miss way too much.

Side Note: And you know what's worse? Here in the US, the "classification" of people like this "sexual offender" is no different than Joe "ooops, I accidentally downloaded some kiddie porn" either. God that still gets to me. I know a couple of good people who are so labelled, and people treat him like this guy.