Little Red Wagon Repairman
The Facebook Movie
The Facebook Movie
Honestly,how is any of the Transformers movies overrated? While there are people that enjoyed them,I think the overall opinion is they are garbage.Overrated usually means that they majority of people actually like it.
I guess an argument can be made that they are overrated because they are garbage,yet generate so much money.
The Departed
Probably forgetting something, but these immediately came to mind.
The Matrix, I'm going to get scolded but sorry I just didn't like it!
The Matrix was made in '99,so it doesn't count in this thread.
Fair enough,though I did like the first one and was completely blown away when I first seen it.The other two are pure trash,especially the second one.My bad I thought it was 2000, in all fairness it was a trilogy and the other 2 were in the 2000's it half ass belongs lol
I have to agree,it's terribly overrated.Haven't seen the other two movies,nor do I have any desire to.Paranormal Activity