More Annoying Post Format...

Which Is More Annoying?...


    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • little tiny letters and no punctuation

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 10 17.2%
  • I want to punch you square in the face Chef

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
Seriously, who thinks up that text speak shit?

Half the time it is harder to read and takes longer to write than the "real" word.
So Text Speak is what gets my vote for most annoying.

I also hate people using big words, just for the sake of using big words...
... or as some might say...

"I too detest the populate utilizing prodigious expression, merely for the cogitate of utilizing prodigious expression"
(or something along those lines!!)
i think someone needs a whambulance. :p sorry chef. couldnt resist. u kno i love u!
i vote all caps, it's a BBS/IRC thing i got used to, it makes me think you are screaming. . .

and at least i use punctuation, though usually no capitalization.
I never got why some people make an arrow to point to some other post or to themselves in a post on the Interet.

( Like this "<--------" for example.)


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
for me no problem with CAPS LOCK.... I hate little tiny letters and no punctuation!!

I always post my "...." and "!!!"
I despise all caps.

And the dreaded Wall-O-Text.

And txtspk.

Actually, I despise a lot of things.



Closed Account
If it wasn't for these guys we wouldn't be laughing right now.

Chef, you have done it again. Where do you think up these threads? In your alphabet noodle soup?
All Caps and posts which make no fucking sense. :rofl:
All of the above.

I'm with that guy^.

I hate it all, when I am writing something I try to make it readable for other people, and I would like for others to do the same for the people who are going to read whatever it is they have written.

Whenever I receive a text message, if it isn't in some readable format (English, for example), then I just delete it without reading it.
I don't want to try and decipher things like:
yo its me wubu2 ham salad lol roflturd

And because of this trend, kids are now unable to spell simple words. Like "teh".
I hear your call for help, Becks!
In your state of mind, a real friend would recommend seeing a therapist.
I'm recommending you let me give you a breast exam :D

Go right ahead.

Be gentle, though, they're swollen.