Much less than you are ! This kind of thing never happen in countrs with some gun-control laws.
And even considering the the fact that this kid didn't complied to what the cops said, he didn't threatened the cops, not with the gun, not even verbally these guys are trained shooters, aren't they ? So, if they need to shoot a non-moving target, I guess they could go for the knees or the belly. I mean, thereare ways for a trained shooter to neutralize a non-moving target without killing him.
Yeah, get tighter legislation on fake guns but do not pass any legislation over real guns. Makes total sense, 'cause fake guns are so dangerous...
TAKE YOUR GUN CONTROL...TURN THAT SOME BEACH SIDEWAYS...AND STICK IT UP YOUR AZZ. THIS is the problem. people like you with a hard head. when police say hands up. you put your hands up. this is nothing new? it has been that way long as i remember. you dont call police to a kid with a toy. police were coming to take a gun away from another crazy as far as they knew. my parents taught me to respect police in all cases and do exactly what they say. looks like shit for parents to me