Go Phillies!
Seriously. They're going to lose, but I cannot believe the number of fucking band-wagoners the Giants have. Makes me fucking sick.
Go Phillies!
Yes, the 'Evil Empire' falls again!I've had a big smile on my face for the past 2 nights watching the Yankees suffer
Seriously. They're going to lose, but I cannot believe the number of fucking band-wagoners the Giants have. Makes me fucking sick.
I'm almost willing to bet that this will be the least watched WS of all time.
I'm glad that they are two new team in it,but I really have no rooting interest for either of them.
I'm rooting for the Giants because of Barry Zito :thumbsup: Dude is the coolest cat in the League.
lol rangers will not beat us!! good pitchin beats good hitting anyday!!!
I agree this won't be a highly rated Series but I will watch now the Yankees are out.
I'm fine with the ratings being low. I hope FOX execs are pulling their collective hair out over this. Fuck the East Coast bias. Hopefully, this will teach those pieces of shit that there are indeed teams outside the East Coast.