Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request


Hiliary 2020
Where would you draw the line? If people aren't allowed to wear what they want on their prom, as long as it isn't indecent (too revealing), should they still be allowed to wear whatever they want when buying their groceries, going to a bar, walking down the street? Should girls even be allowed to wear jeans considering that traditionally girls/women have always worn dresses?

you draw the line in enforcing a dress code at a formal dance, (and without having to get sued for it).
whats so hard for people to understand about that.
its got nothing to do with how one dresses on the street, and nothing to due with discrimination.
gays too often love to play the martyr and straights too often kiss their asses out of fear of being called homophobes or bigots.
its not much different from "no shoes no shirt, no service".
Oh but i like to go barefoot, youre discriminating against me........not.

and i want to know just how the school even knew that one of them was going to wear a tux.
this whole thing smells like a total set-up on behalf of the wanna be gay chics and possibly the aclu.
it could have been as simple as "two tickets to the prom please".
Why are we focussing on the Tux? The tux isn't the issue, it's the fact that a school cancelled their prom because they couldn't find a way to bar a homosexual student and her partner from attending that wasn't illegal.

That's issue, not the fact that one girl thought it might be a good idea to wear something usually worn by males. This piece of information is completely secondary to that of what's mentioned above. You have to ask, who's really at fault here? Is it the girl who justifiably felt her right to freedom of expression was being infringed or the gutless school who in the full knowledge that they couldn't do anything to keep this girl from attending have now spoilt the entire event for the rest of the students?

Seems a pretty obvious choice to me. But then again I am a pinko commie douche so you know, I'm obviously wrong.
This seems like it would be illegal, yet totally believable. After all, it wasn't that long ago that there was church still burning books down there...


Actually, they just held their first integrated prom:


Still when I heard that in the twenty first century there was still segregated (read: seperate) proms it kind of stunned me. But then again, I'm not a southerner, so I really don't know their culture. For me this all goes back to what is culturally relative; what's right in one culture might differ quite a bit from mine, but who am I to impose? Yeah, a segregated prom in the twenty first century is the most backward thing anyone on the forum has ever heard of, but I don't think too many of us are from those towns.

In fact, now that I think about it there was a documentary on this thing and both the black and the white students actually preferred the seperata proms (no lie). Yeah, odd culture down there. :dunno:
???? Dude thats not till wednesday....Nearly caused me a panic attack, Sitting on this instead of going on my annual piss up!


What the hell do you crazy Celts do over there anyways on ole' Pats' day? I always wondered. There's so many that are decendents of your crazy ass breed over here stateside that I have a pretty good idea and a lot of my best blokes are Celts, but just thought I'd hear it from you. :)

Last year, I got so shitty the cops threw my ass in detox. Fuck...that sucked.

*Sorry to (briefly) hijack thread.*


Last year, I got so shitty the cops threw my ass in detox. Fuck...that sucked.

Woah great minds think alike lad.....Pretty much go and get shit faced. Its great cause like everyone else has the same idea at the same time! lulz

PS> Of course plenty of other sensible folks get involved with the tradtional irish music, festivals and bands and stuff........I do too but I enjoy the above part of the proceedings immensely

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
They still do down south. It was on O'Reilly like last year. There was a black prom and a seperate white prom at one southern high school. I don't feel like googleing it right now, but I know this was just recent.

This seems like it would be illegal, yet totally believable. After all, it wasn't that long ago that there was church still burning books down there...

I spent nearly a year working in northern Mississippi. None of this surprises me.

When our working group first arrived in Greenville, a bunch of us went out to lunch at a local diner. There were a couple of White women, a Black woman, three or four White guys and a couple of Black guys in our group. We entered the diner as a group and sat down together. I guess from my old hound dog/bar hopping days, I get cautious when I enter an unknown restaurant or bar. But you know how you pick up that sense that people are staring at you? I looked up and I noticed that people (Black and White) were staring at us. What gives? Then I noticed that all the Black people in the joint were sitting on one side of the diner and all the White people were sitting on the other side. I guess our little interracial group sorta stuck out. Being a fun luvin' kinda guy, I dared Melissa (a petite blonde) to lean over and plant a big smooch on Derrick (a Black guy). Neither of them was up for it ("Please just eat your catfish and don't get us thrown out of here or start a riot... puuulease!"). I just wanted to see what kind of rise we could get out of the local yokels. :D

I've been to some fucked up places. But that one took the cake. All this school had to do was host the prom, let this girl and her date do their thing and be done with it. But this is probably some hick Fundie town, similar to the one we were in... complete with a White Citizens Council. So they felt the need to stand up for what was "right". :rolleyes:

You know what would have REALLY been funny? If one of the girls had been White and the other Black. :eek: Yeah, the redneck Fundies would have really had a cow then. :rofl:
I spent nearly a year working in northern Mississippi. None of this surprises me.

When our working group first arrived in Greenville, a bunch of us went out to lunch at a local diner. There were a couple of White women, a Black woman, three or four White guys and a couple of Black guys in our group. We entered the diner as a group and sat down together. I guess from my old hound dog/bar hopping days, I get cautious when I enter an unknown restaurant or bar. But you know how you pick up that sense that people are staring at you? I looked up and I noticed that people (Black and White) were staring at us. What gives? Then I noticed that all the Black people in the joint were sitting on one side of the diner and all the White people were sitting on the other side. I guess our little interracial group sorta stuck out. Being a fun luvin' kinda guy, I dared Melissa (a petite blonde) to lean over and plant a big smooch on Derrick (a Black guy). Neither of them was up for it ("Please just eat your catfish and don't get us thrown out of here or start a riot... puuulease!"). I just wanted to see what kind of rise we could get out of the local yokels. :D

I've been to some fucked up places. But that one took the cake. All this school had to do was host the prom, let this girl and her date do their thing and be done with it. But this is probably some hick Fundie town, similar to the one we were in... complete with a White Citizens Council. So they felt the need to stand up for what was "right". :rolleyes:

You know what would have REALLY been funny? If one of the girls had been White and the other Black. :eek: Yeah, the redneck Fundies would have really had a cow then. :rofl:

Imagine the reaction they'da had if there was an Asian in your group. They've probably never even seen one in hicksterville down there before, ya know. :shocked: I'm surpised the Klan didn't show up like in Mississippi Burning. What was this "White Citizens Council" you speak of? I mean, if there was a "Black Citizens Council" or something I think it's kind of a moot point, no?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I think Springfield's Chief Wiggum can sum this all up. "Empty beer bottles, bottle nose bruises. This looks like the work of teenagers. Cancel the Prom Lou
I have to say it's probably in the school's best interest to cancel the event. They'll get bad publicity for it, but they'd get a lot worse publicity if it went forward at this point. Once something like this gets "out in the news" it's like throwing blood in the shark's water. Schools don't have the money to defend themselves, legally, or hire the required amount of security from whatever protesters and media types showed up. My guess is, they made the decision based more on dollars and less on sex. They can't take the chance that this will escalate into a financial situation they can't handle. They have kids to teach the three Rs to.


Prom is not important anyway.
Girls get expensive, ugly hair-dos and dresses, guys spend money on a tux for what?
Prom is like expensive fore-play.


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The school board is comprised of assholes. They could have relented and let the girl go to the prom in the tux, but instead they chose the snake-ish move of canceling the prom and leaving the girl to shoulder the blame and become a social pariah. Classy....:rolleyes:

Maybe she should have just gone to the prom in the tux without asking for permission beforehand. Like one guy said theres a ton of girls that go to prom that barely wear anything at all. Fuck, at my prom one guy even brought an escort as his date and another guy came in a banana suit. Then again, my school wasn't located in Jackson, Mississippi(thank god).


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The school board is comprised of assholes. They could have relented and let the girl go to the prom in the tux, but instead they chose the snake-ish move of canceling the prom and leaving the girl to shoulder the blame and become a social pariah. Classy....:rolleyes:

Sometimes I think Oprah pays all these people off so the public gets outraged over these kinds of things, just so she can get ratings when this girl inevitably goes on her show with her girlfriend. :dunno:


Anti homosexuality is positively fucking ridiculous.....Its on a super level of moronicness! Why I hear you ask? Well quite simply you may one day reproduce and one of your offspring could turn out homosexual. If your a right wing nut bar about the whole thing they probably wont even tell you, Instead they likely do that legal thing where you are no longer considered their parent and then have nothing to do with you lulz.

And oh yes it has happened ironically enough to proponents of "good old fashioned" morals.......Always very embarassing especially since they made a career outta spewing negative shit about it.

That was unusually wrong and major BS even for you...case in point, Dick Cheney's daughter is gay, he acknowledges that, and treats her like his daughter just like any other parent.
I know many gay people whose parents were conservative that are still and always have been close with them...you make shit up just to sound like you know something, but it's stereotypical bigotry.
A real adult doesn't have to approve of how someone lives their life to treat them as a person, with respect.
My family are much stricter observant religious people than I am, and they have no problem with their son being gay...he's a member of the family and gay is not an issue.