Awww thank you very much! Missed you lately, I haven't been stalking you so I don't know what you have been up to! I generally take care of my thread and a couple others but don't hop around to too many besides that cause I'm swamped lately.....glad to see you doing well in the contest!Well, Mandy...i didn't see you repped me until after i repped you lol
Out of topic, but i've got to say it: we need more girls like you in porn. Keep it up.
Still waiting (and hoping) on hers:
^ my future wife (if i weren't already married)
This is exactly why I am withdrawing my 2016 presidential bid, America is not ready to accept a person who has sex to be a leader.....oh wait, Obama has kids right? does that mean that the 1st lady has done the whole cream pie thing??!! Just because it's not on video it's totally acceptable?? How does that make sense? You mean if you blow apart and kill people in a movie you can still be Governor of California, but if you have sex in a movie you're a bad person??....... I really wanna see what some alien would have to say about that fucked up message!
Actually this is the perfect example of why the hypocrisy of "everyone has sex, but it has to be hidden for it to be ok" needs to change. This girl was sucking dick and taking a load just like any other woman will in her life, she shouldn't be punished for it. Again I ask, If she was in the terminator with a machine gun and blowing peoples heads off why the fuck is that just fine, but if she has a sex scene in the same damn movie with another girl for instance, it would be so fucking shameful? So in the view of the majority, if you are depicting murder and violence, a rarity in real life and something that most will never have to see in person, NO PROBLEM, but if you depict something that EVERY ONE on earth will do (except a select few) and is not harmful, and a truly beautiful part of life...then to bad for you huh? I hope this little chick gets to pull a Vanessa Williams on these motherfuckers and gets rich beyond her wildest dreams!
What you say is true. Priorities have been askew, and values have been abandoned in this country for some time. It's epidemic, and it is only going to get worse before it gets any better. Both were values we started with, but somewhere along the way violence and killing became acceptable, but adultery is just about the worst thing there is. Go figure. And all you sports figures out there, you had better stop doing anything to try to win, no doping, no anything, we can't even keep score in little league anymore. Winning, bah, we give trophies for participation now!
I tried to rep but it says I need to rep others more before i rep you again....Bastards!
Can you imagine how this girls daddy feels though....I hope he didn't actually watch his daughter get railed and unloaded on, though some daddies might be proud of this one!