Miss Delaware Teen USA resigns after porn video surfaces

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Actually this is the perfect example of why the hypocrisy of "everyone has sex, but it has to be hidden for it to be ok" needs to change. This girl was sucking dick and taking a load just like any other woman will in her life, she shouldn't be punished for it. Again I ask, If she was in the terminator with a machine gun and blowing peoples heads off why the fuck is that just fine, but if she has a sex scene in the same damn movie with another girl for instance, it would be so fucking shameful? So in the view of the majority, if you are depicting murder and violence, a rarity in real life and something that most will never have to see in person, NO PROBLEM, but if you depict something that EVERY ONE on earth will do (except a select few) and is not harmful, and a truly beautiful part of life...then to bad for you huh? I hope this little chick gets to pull a Vanessa Williams on these motherfuckers and gets rich beyond her wildest dreams!

I don't disagree at all with your sentiments here, Mandy. I believe in people being able to do what they want to do as long they're not harming someone else. But at the same time, we all have to be aware of what we're getting ourselves into if we let our beliefs or activities become public. For instance, when I joined this new company, there was a morals clause in my contract. And while I consider it kind of odd that being involved in porn would apply to little ol' moi, it was in there and I signed it. The same thing was in a contract I had with a former company. So if Roald goes on vacation in August and Petra needs me to fill in for him for a few weeks (this has been discussed, ya know... OK, not really - but ya never know), if my name and face became associated with this porn site, I could, and likely would be terminated. My girlfriend is a school administrator. Her morals clause makes mine look rather tame. They could/should probably fire her for just knowing me, much less dating me.

I assume this girl signed some kind of morals clause when she entered this pageant. I think most of them have those. It just comes down to when you play someone else's game, you have to accept playing by their rules. And you have to be careful what you sign.


Staff member
I don't disagree at all with your sentiments here, Mandy. I believe in people being able to do what they want to do as long they're not harming someone else. But at the same time, we all have to be aware of what we're getting ourselves into if we let our beliefs or activities become public. For instance, when I joined this new company, there was a morals clause in my contract. And while I consider it kind of odd that being involved in porn would apply to little ol' moi, it was in there and I signed it. The same thing was in a contract I had with a former company. So if Roald goes on vacation in August and Petra needs me to fill in for him for a few weeks (this has been discussed, ya know... OK, not really - but ya never know), if my name and face became associated with this porn site, I could, and likely would be terminated. My girlfriend is a school administrator. Her morals clause makes mine look rather tame. They could/should probably fire her for just knowing me, much less dating me.

I assume this girl signed some kind of morals clause when she entered this pageant. I think most of them have those. It just comes down to when you play someone else's game, you have to accept playing by their rules. And you have to be careful what you sign.

very interesting post