Brino said:I didnt say you were a racist I said it was borderline racist. And yes I have been agressed by blacks and whites. I'm no more afraid of blacks than I am of whites because I know that being afraid of one race over the other is stupid and makes no sense even if you have been agressed by one race and not the other! Everyone has the capability to be violent no matter what there skin color or social status!
Yes everyone can be violent.But the most violent people here in France are the one who generally live in difficult quarters generally the bullies or the scum. Social status as well as education has an importance the scum and bullies are violent and dangerous. They never had an education or are very bad pupils at school.They are vulgar and disruptive.It happened once to me and it never happened again. As i told you i have blacks, asian and arab friends. I agree that there are bad white people too as well as other bad people in every race i don't discuss that.Simply i was just telling you what happened to me and maybe i am wrong to be afraid but i was just telling you thaughts in all honesty and frankness.