I'm big into Slayer and Mudvayne so Shadows Fall would be closest to my choice.
I liked Mudvayne until they wimped out.
I'm big into Slayer and Mudvayne so Shadows Fall would be closest to my choice.
Shadows Fall is decent/good. They're good musicians and their music doesn't bother me in any way as most metal seems to, but they just never really grabbed me. I have "the war within".
Melodic Death
The Black Dahlia Murder
At The Gates
Speed Metal/Thrash
Slayer (I can't believe no one mentioned them yet)
Also check out a band called Aborted, they are deathgrind/death metal/goregrind. May not be exactly what you're looking for, but they have great melodic influences in their music.
Carcass, my all time favorite band. They were out for many years but they've just released a new album called surgical steel and they haven't lost anything. Necroticism and heartwork were the first 2 CDs I owned.
Cannibal corpse, I prefer their Chris Barnes days, the bleeding was the first metal album I listened to.
I don't really know how these bands should be classified, they're just metal bands that I love and wanted to share!
black/death metal
i love that band brutal songs! :banger:
also vader is damn good!
Hypocrisy...I have YET to see them. Whenever Peter tours near here it's always with Pain (not that this is a bad thing).
Children of Bodom for Melodic death...
For some nice Symphonic Death look up MaYaN. They're about to put out their 2nd album in January.
I'm big into Slayer and Mudvayne so Shadows Fall would be closest to my choice.
Most of the good ones were mentioned. But no one is into cartoon metal?? Dethklok!!!
Tune the radio
Melodic Death
Amon Amarth (They are famous)
Arch Enemy (Famous too)
Power Metal
I'm drawing a blank...
Try this site If you go to your favourite bands you'll see the Similar Artists tab... You might find a few more bands![]()
Passenger, I guess you could say I think most metal "sucks", but it's for a few hard to explain reasons. It can be from it just not being my cup of tea, to the bands that just half-ass everything and play boring crap because they think that that's what metal is - downtuned chugging and a guy growling. The ironic part is, when done correctly and appropriately, the downtuned/growling is extremely effective and satisfying. Like I said earlier in this thread or the other metal thread, I have to take every band on a case by case basis. You can't just throw out subgenres or bands related to other bands because of one of them sucking. Listen to a band and make your mind up about them. Keep an ear out for new stuff and don't be afraid of trying something new.
For instance, I'm listening to Ghost right now. They almost defy metal categorization, yet they are still a metal band, and a very interesting one. You should try then out and see him you dig their sound or not. Just doing that may broaden your tastes and lead you to other rewarding bands.
Passenger, I guess you could say I think most metal "sucks", but it's for a few hard to explain reasons. It can be from it just not being my cup of tea, to the bands that just half-ass everything and play boring crap because they think that that's what metal is - downtuned chugging and a guy growling. The ironic part is, when done correctly and appropriately, the downtuned/growling is extremely effective and satisfying. Like I said earlier in this thread or the other metal thread, I have to take every band on a case by case basis. You can't just throw out subgenres or bands related to other bands because of one of them sucking. Listen to a band and make your mind up about them. Keep an ear out for new stuff and don't be afraid of trying something new.
For instance, I'm listening to Ghost right now. They almost defy metal categorization, yet they are still a metal band, and a very interesting one. You should try then out and see him you dig their sound or not. Just doing that may broaden your tastes and lead you to other rewarding bands.
I kinda like Children of bodom for melodic death metal and i'm all over Pantera and slayer though. And yes Cannibal corpse for death metal.