Meat Cleaver Madman On The Loose In NY !!


Police hunt man who executed upper East Side therapist Kathryn Faughey


Thursday, February 14th 2008, 4:00 AM
'She was a very good and decent person,' says Walter Adam, shown with his wife, Kathryn Faughey, who was murdered.

'She was a very good and decent person,' says Walter Adam, shown with his wife, Kathryn Faughey, who was murdered.
A police sketch of the man suspected of stabbing his therapist to death with knives and a cleaver. The suspect in the unusually violent murder is still at large.

A police sketch of the man suspected of stabbing his therapist to death with knives and a cleaver. The suspect in the unusually violent murder is still at large.
Images from surveillance video at building on E. 79th St. show cleaver-wielding killer making his way through building.

Images from surveillance video at building on E. 79th St. show cleaver-wielding killer making his way through building.

The meat cleaver-wielding maniac who savagely murdered an upper East Side therapist planned the execution - and brought a sick bag of tools to the killing.


How about it, anti death penalty people.

Would you spare such a monster ? :confused:


Closed Account
Fair enough. I am not afraid to speak my mind on the question at all. So here goes. I also have many thoughts on these type criminals. I have voiced this before and was called inhumane and many other wonderful names. Anyone that knows me knows I am not inhumane, only head strong. ;)

The monsters where there is no doubt of their guilt such as this guy, if it were in my power I know exactly what I would do. The Jeffery Domer's and other bragging serial killers types that have confessed with no conscience. Rehabilitation for such extremely damaged people is fruitless in my opinion. They can never go safely back into society.

We need a Devils Island of sorts, so far out and surrounded by shark infested waters they could never get off it alive. Only cost to my plan is watching the airspace maybe. Dump them with build a hut directions, some seed for food, some basic medical supplies (so as not to be to inhumane) a few basic tools knives, rope etc and let them make it or break together. They will I'm sure just eliminate each other eventually. :dunno:

Why should we pay to house them or sin ourselves to hell eliminating them? Again let me point out the button pusher, floor dropper and switch flippers end up just as guilty as the one being executed. Nobody has the right to take a life.

You asked. ;)

I remember an episode of "Law and Order" that was almost exactly like this incident.
I like LadyLove's idea. We'd just have to find a suitable island where to put them. Maybe Puerto Rico? :rolleyes:
I was on a prison tour in Nebraska and there was a story about an axe murderer. He was sent to prison for attempted murder when he tried to kill a woman with an axe, but even though he stuck it in her head, she didn't die; hence the attempted part. While in prison he studied law and eventually appealed to the courts where he was released on parole. I can't remember how many, but he ended up killing several more people before he was caught again.

The death penalty and prison are ultimately there to protect others from danger and harm. If a man is twisted enough to hack a person up with a knife and cleaver then they are very disturbed and should never get the chance to do it again.
I like LadyLove's idea. We'd just have to find a suitable island where to put them. Maybe Puerto Rico? :rolleyes:

guantanamo where they would be beaten with a heated baseball bat till their last breath.


Is somewhere outhere.
I was on a prison tour in Nebraska and there was a story about an axe murderer. He was sent to prison for attempted murder when he tried to kill a woman with an axe, but even though he stuck it in her head, she didn't die; hence the attempted part. While in prison he studied law and eventually appealed to the courts where he was released on parole. I can't remember how many, but he ended up killing several more people before he was caught again.

The death penalty and prison are ultimately there to protect others from danger and harm. If a man is twisted enough to hack a person up with a knife and cleaver then they are very disturbed and should never get the chance to do it again.

Why the hell should prisoners be able to study to get themselves released so they can commit their crimes again :dunno:


Closed Account
I like LadyLove's idea. We'd just have to find a suitable island where to put them. Maybe Puerto Rico? :rolleyes:

There are many many uninhabited Islands on this planet. So lets fill one with our animals. ;)

Let them survive and live a miserable existence. Sleeping with one eye opened wondering if the guy who was dropped off today is sicker than they are. Or eventually kill each other off, who cares which way the wind blows as long as they're no longer around to kill and maim innocents in our world.

Again I say.

Why should we pay to house them or sin ourselves to hell eliminating them? Again let me point out the button pusher, floor dropper and switch flippers end up just as guilty as the one being executed. Nobody has the right to take a life.


Will E Worm

I like LadyLove's idea. We'd just have to find a suitable island where to put them. Maybe Puerto Rico? :rolleyes:

Puerto Rico is too nice.

I don't see any reason to spare the life of anyone that can take a life so coldly.

Especially in this way, that was sadistic.
Jeffery Domer


Anyhoo...There really has to be something we can do with people like this.

Sure we can send them to prison, hoping they get killed by another inmate, but that isn't always a sure bet.

Let them participate in a special running of the bulls or something.
I still firmly believe that there are certain creatures who deserve to die for their actions(and yes, I would do the job if needed) but my opposition to the Death Penalty is based on the fact that there are Some Police and Prosecutors and even witnesses who for reasons of their own will work to put someone who is innocent in jail. It is one thing to have to release and apoligize for convicting an innocent. If you execute them,it's a lot harder.