I agree, a lot of people in today's society definitely do view marriage as a fluke/joke & honestly a majority of the people who don't view it as a joke, believe that its some sort of fairytale ending.
Not very many people have a realistic outlook on what marriage really is. It's not something fun to do when your bored & it's also not going to be perfect bliss and solve all your relationship issues either.
I know so many people who have gone into a marriage with the right intentions but blinded by some fairytale definition of what marriage is supposed to be like.
People definitely don't hold true to the vow part of marriage that's for sure. I mean, "Til death do us part" "For better or for worse".. What do these people think "worse" means?? Because judging by some of the marriages I've seen, worse apparently means when your husband doesn't mow the lawn or he wont turn off the game, or your wife is tired and doesn't want to put out tonight. These are apparently all grounds for divorce, I mean I saw a thing on like oprah or something where this couple was getting divorced and Oprah said, "So does he hit you?" The woman said "well, no" "Does he cheat on you?" "Well, not to my knowledge.." "Does he emotionally abuse you?" "Not really..." "Okay then why are you asking for a divorce?" and she actually responded with, "Because I'm tired of him 'not understanding me' and he doesn't take the time to see how I'm feeling, and I can't handle the way he puts his sports before me. And he wears the same ugly orange shirt at least 3 times a week!"
Yes, she said she wanted a divorce, and listed an ugly orange shirt as one of the reasons why..
Notice she said I I I, ME ME ME, marriages don't work when you have selfish people involved.
I was married (legally still am) and I admit fault because I was young & naive at 18 and I was one of those people who believed it would be a fairytale ending, but I didn't just give up when things got hard, I fought tooth & nail for my marriage but in the end, if there's only one person fighting, it's a losing battle.
I'm not put off or disgruntled by the idea of marriage just because I had a horrible experience, I learned from my mistakes & I hope that I meet the right guy and we can one day have a real marriage, one with ups & downs but with the right person who wont scream "Divorce" the second we have an argument..
& this is a little :2offtopic but when I say marriage I mean any long term relationship, my grandparents were together for 48 years & were never married, but my grandma stood by my grandpa mistake after mistake until he passed away this may 5th. That's love.
{Sorry about the ranting lol :o }