I know that this is gonna piss some of you guys off, but the married guy has the better chance of landing that big job you applied for last week....
the less partying, more understanding, more responsible and better listener he is.
yeah probably. I have been discriminated against in the workplace for not being married.
I'd like to say that in The USA given the consequences of divorce and even just having children unmarried that the universities should have a course on the dangers of marriage for the male of the species.
When a guy gets married its like putting a gun to his head and going through life everyday with it rubbing against his scalp.
Once he says " I do" he puts himself in a position so vulnerable, and most men don't realize this because theyre blinded by love.
Here is a textbook example:
A guy I knew had a wife and 2 small children.
They had a nice house. He decided to start working 2 jobs, one day, one night from 6am until 9 pm not counting 2 hours of driving.
The plan was to make about as much as possible to start a small business.
So after a year or so they have the cash plus they get a bank loan in the wifes name, plus put his mothers house up as collateral.
As soon as the business opens she tells him, "I have a boyfriend who I've been fucking everyday in our bed while youre working and I want you out of the house now".
So she calls the cops, gets an instant restraining order because they give them out like candy on October 31st ( no judge will deny a restraining order from a woman, it only takes a phone call) and he's taken out in cuffs the same night with just the clothes on his back.
Now he has lost all rights including custody of his children or even the right to speak to them.
Next day she cleans out the bank accounts, now he has no money.
time for court. he has no money, no car, no clothes, no lawyer, no nothing.
The judge slams him.
Pay the mortgage, pay her, pay child support, pay insurance for all, even pay for daycare for the children so she can fuck her boyfriend in the afternoon.
The monetary judgement was based on the fact that he worked 2 jobs the year before and made around 100 grand before taxes.
Oh, and the business was dead and they eventually forclosed on his mothers house.
They, he and his mother, wound up living in a small apt paid for by her SS.
He was a good man who was kind and gentile and she used the system to ruin him.
between her and the family court system they ruined his life both emotionally and finacially.
He killed himself about a year later, his mother found him.
This could happen to any married man if the woman chooses to do it, it happens everyday in the good ol USA........so beware and choose your spouse very very carefully .