I like Hebrews on their own with or without bun. If you live east of the Mississippi then you can get Sabrett anywhere. Those are the dirty water hot dogs on every cart with an umbrella in Manhattan. Both local essentials and tourist fare. $2 for a dog with Sabrett onions. You want to meet celebrities? Go find an umbrella.
I hope it didn't discourage you from coming back to the states. Out of my top 20 places in America I don't think New York is even on the list. There I was sitting on my hotel balcony sipping on a Long Island Iced Tea overlooking the cities green hazy smog thinking "This is the first place people see when they come to America? How embarrassing". So I heard at knock at the door and went to get my drink I had ordered. It wasn't room service, it was a roachWord. Last time I was in NY, I wanted a dog on the street off a cart and all I could find was there hybrid middle eastern cards that also had dogs. According to her, that's the new thing. I should have just gone. I like middle easter food, but I guess I just wanted that pure, traditional steel cart experience.
its a parsley pesto and the white is spicy mayo