Many NeoCons attacking gov't health insurance rely on gov't health insurance


Hiliary 2020
^^Man this generation didnt rebel against theyre parents for independance,they went to school, got brainwashed into thinking they are guilty of everything then they sat in front of a computer everyday after school, they only do and think as theyve been trained to.

its like this, tax the decent working class into oblivion while the non working, aka people living off that middle class thrive and reproduce.
give it about 40 years and you have what you now have and will have into the future, a society of a few very rich whle most are completely dependant on the GOV to take care of them.
nice recipe, great plan, it worked.
I just want to reiterate my original point, because I don't think anyone but faceticious actually got what I was trying to say.

My point wasn't that we shouldn't have generalized healthcare. My point was, will the government handle it well, or will they screw it up, like they screw up a lot of things?

I was never talking about the actual care, or who actually covers the cost, but the system they propose; will they be able to manage it, or will it be just another clusterfuck? Is it a "better-than-nothing' kind of situation, is that what we're looking at?


I just want to reiterate my original point, because I don't think anyone but faceticious actually got what I was trying to say.

My point wasn't that we shouldn't have generalized healthcare. My point was, will the government handle it well, or will they screw it up, like they screw up a lot of things?

I was never talking about the actual care, or who actually covers the cost, but the system they propose; will they be able to manage it, or will it be just another clusterfuck? Is it a "better-than-nothing' kind of situation, is that what we're looking at?

They can't even balance their check book and we want them to run the health care system:dunno:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
wow that's the rudest comment I have ever heard from you Jagger

Not trying to be rude to anyone in particular JnC but I am TIRED of being fucked by the present system. Those who choose to ignore the problem and support the status quo are indeed a huge part of the problem. If that offends anyone personally that was not my intention (man....we've got a lot of hurt feelings here lately! :1orglaugh) but I get very offended when I constantly get ripped off by the existing medical establishment.
^^Man this generation didnt rebel against theyre parents for independance,they went to school, got brainwashed into thinking they are guilty of everything then they sat in front of a computer everyday after school, they only do and think as theyve been trained to.

its like this, tax the decent working class into oblivion while the non working, aka people living off that middle class thrive and reproduce.
give it about 40 years and you have what you now have and will have into the future, a society of a few very rich whle most are completely dependant on the GOV to take care of them.
nice recipe, great plan, it worked.

when I said we I meant Gen Xers since that's the generation I am part of, So I don't know about anyone else in that cathegory but I did not see a pc until 1990 in college and it did not have

I am at the mercy of the VA which is trying to do better recently, but I am still denied when I ask for some sort of test be done to check for some hiatal hernia by my esophagus, they keep telling me not to worry about.. so it kinda sucks also that I can't insure my family with my current salary/part time job cuz this economy really sucks. But strangely I find myself owning a car and making a little bit money over to qualify temporally for medicaid (not to include how intrusive and humiliating the application process is) so what is goin to guarantee me that I would qualify for this "mandated" and get hammered with "taxes" or like they say "penalty"...and with this current economic sucks ass!
Just look at Sweden and France who had free healthcare and a free social security system, over the time these systems has made those countries bankrupt because the taxes deducted from the honest hardworking citizens were redistributed in order to pay healthcare, social security and give social helps to migrants who over the time have poorly integrated themselves for 90% in these countries. I don't think that any hardworking citizen wants to pay a part of his salary and see it used for paying healthcare and social security of the ghetto scum or illegal aliens.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If you like other countries for their policies move.

I usually ignore everything you post but since you targeted this directly at me, I feel compelled to tell you that, although this may come as quite a shock to you, this country belongs to all Americans, not just the ones who march in lockstep with your narrow-minded way of thinking. You have no right to tell me to do anything.

Besides, I never said I liked "other countries" more so please do not put words in my mouth.

You may now continue with your usual mindless babble.

Will E Worm

I didn't address you.

But, if you like this country, then don't try to change it.

If you like other country's policy move to that country.
It's simple really it is.

Mindless babble is what you do. Don't try to confuse people. :tongue:
I didn't address you.

But, if you like this country, then don't try to change it.

If you like other country's policy move to that country.
It's simple really it is.

Mindless babble is what you do. Don't try to confuse people. :tongue:

Yep nothing should ever change in the country.Never should have allowed women to vote,freed the slaves etc.

C'mon now Will E that isn't a reasonable position.Just cause its the way it is don't make it right.Sometimes change has gotta happen right?
Yep nothing should ever change in the country.Never should have allowed women to vote,freed the slaves etc.

C'mon now Will E that isn't a reasonable position.Just cause its the way it is don't make it right.Sometimes change has gotta happen right?

The so called change program proposed and deeply acclaimed by the Obama fanboys is upper garbage. If people want to stay and live in the ghetto and live of easy drug selling money and other petty crimes money, let them be poor, let them starve and let them die. Has every American citizen written over his front head :"Do I like my taxes to be deducted to leechers and paying for them free healthcare and social security system as if I was the red cross?" Not as far as I know.
Change has not to happen for the benefit of the lazy, the ungrateful, the unpatriotic and the scum.
Yep nothing should ever change in the country.Never should have allowed women to vote,freed the slaves etc.

C'mon now Will E that isn't a reasonable position.Just cause its the way it is don't make it right.Sometimes change has gotta happen right?

Except that change is the goverment to enslave us now which has been happening since the Patriot Act got into place and now with all this hope and crap and change.
Except that change is the goverment to enslave us now which has been happening since the Patriot Act got into place and now with all this hope and crap and change.

Did you actively protest the Patriot Act? Did you apply this socialism/nazism tag to Bush when he took apart as many different aspects of your constitution as he could when he needed to?

Did anyone else who is on your side of the political spectrum do any of those things when that was happening. If they did they made very little noise when it was occurring. What makes todays president any different to his predecessor? Surly what Bush did to your country in the 8 years he was in office was far worse than anything Obama has even contemplated doing up until this point. And yet, when it was occurring there was complete silence from those who now are seemingly fighting for their "rights".

Although I may come across as an Obama supporter I'm really not. I just find the double standards being shown here hilarious!


Hiliary 2020
I didn't address you.

But, if you like this country, then don't try to change it.

If you like other country's policy move to that country.
It's simple really it is.

Mindless babble is what you do. Don't try to confuse people. :tongue:

C'mon will, jag didn't say any mindless babble, and moving aint always the answer, trust me.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I didn't address you.

Why did you choose to refer to a quote that was directed at me then?

But, if you like this country, then don't try to change it.

If you like other country's policy move to that country.
It's simple really it is.

I know it is absolutely pointless to use any sort of reasoning with you so I won't even attempt but to say "if you like this country, don't try to change it" is quite possibly the most idiotic statement that has ever been made on this forum. Congratulations. That's saying a lot.
Did you actively protest the Patriot Act? Did you apply this socialism/nazism tag to Bush when he took apart as many different aspects of your constitution as he could when he needed to?

Did anyone else who is on your side of the political spectrum do any of those things when that was happening. If they did they made very little noise when it was occurring. What makes todays president any different to his predecessor? Surly what Bush did to your country in the 8 years he was in office was far worse than anything Obama has even contemplated doing up until this point. And yet, when it was occurring there was complete silence from those who now are seemingly fighting for their "rights".

Not much you could do when you are in the Service deployed to Iraq on two diferent ocassions and that person that sent me to danger happened to be my commander in chief, which meant you could get in a lot of trouble for speaking up against him.

So no I did not go out there protesting or shooting myself on the foot so I could get out of my contract I honored my commitment and when I had a chance in 2004 I voted against him, most "scared" people went ahead and re elected him again because 'he knows how to handle the economy and other statements that were brought up last year when "hope and change' and "Obama has a economic plan" were chanting again....

Do you know that there are three provisions of the Patriot Act up for extending by none other than Obama? Have you seen this recent raid on those bomb making terrorist? what a coincidence...makes me think

Bottom line is that unlike many other people that just hated Bush because the media told them to, did not lose anyone in the war, went to combat or really did not cared about giving up their civil liberties and privacy I did. I was afected every little bit along with every soldier that was extended and screwed to go into that war unprepared so then you get Rumsfeld talking down to a brave soldier questioning why we had pieces of shit equipment to go to war.

Yeah sorry I could not be back here and fight the Patriot Act and every other color coded terrorist alert issued by Homeland Security because I was so busy keeping the desert sand out of my ass crack, dodging sniper bullets and praying that If an Improvised Explosive Device exploded to make sure it killed me instantly cuz I did not wanted to cause my family a burden by not having my legs or hands. Yeah those eight years were bad and Bush got away with everything by getting everything passed by both democrats and republicans, cuz people were scared. Just like they are now again.