There are two schools of thought, one believes that health care is a fundamental individual right and the other doesn't.
There is a 3rd school of thought which believes it's only practical for a government with a GDP the size of the US's to not only subsidize a basic education for it's people but to subsidize basic health care coverage for it's people too. It makes sense just like having a government subsidize the protection of a fire dept. I don't see anyone mounting opposition to the government taxing you to make sure that if needed, there's a service in place
available to everyone that will try to salvage your home or business in the event a fire happens. I know it's not a direct comparison but conceptually it's the same...the government subsidizing something for the greater good of all of it's people.
Now let's forget about reforming health care coverage (the correct phrase as the government isn't touching your health care) for the altruistic notion of attempting to ensure the population of your nation gets basic and reasonable examinations, treatments and medications when they need them. But reforming what we have in place now is more about saving the multitudes from a system that is currently bankrupting all involved.
The opposition seems to be of two schools of thought, someone told you to be against it (most likely as most of the claims and arguments are specious) and it's in your political interest to oppose it (as GOPers now claiming to have alternatives and "ideas" had 12 years to do so on their own and did nothing).
If you were born, bred & raised under the kind of ideology that insists that h/c is a right, even though it isn't, I pity you because you are now and will always be haunted from the "evils of envy". Get over all of your obsession that all things must be equal ! Envy is not an American value, it's a foreign "value". Stop attempting to change or "progress" society and the way that things are done in this country simply because you insisted on taking the short cut in life ! I mean seriously, are all well to do people "just lucky" as you would make it seem ? Nonsense ! Apply yourself and you will be just rewarded ! then you won't have to subject yourself to the lesser that the government has to offer.
There are plenty of people with way more money and material things who believe that the US ought to provide basic and reasonable coverage for it's citizens. I'm not sure how many of them believe it's a right but certainly the ones that do would cut against your argument that it's about envy. Pretty absurd notion to boot that the average person trying to figure out how to offset their costs of protecting the health of themselves and their families are merely ensnared in a web of envy.
If you really want reasonably priced health care to return, pull your heads out and demand that 20 - 40 million illegal undocumented non citizens go home and you'll notice almost immediately that health care costs will plummet.
You're a fucking genius!!! Fur fucksake is that all the fuck we needed to just "demand" that these people go home and presto...they're gone?? That is a seriously prodigious theory on par with the one that suggested we could split an atom.
But NOOO ! The demokratiks are using the illegal alien population as A) an asset in their project to destroy the private sector of health care in this country because private health care is
elite and we just simply cannot have that can we ? and B) for a voting constituency after obama gives em all amnesty. Duh
I suppose Reagan was trying to stuff the ballot boxes for the GOP too when he granted amnesty to nearly 2 million illegal aliens in '86 huh?
Here's a clue...we've recently witnessed the most significant exodus of illegals from the US ever....guess why? Because there are no jobs to be had and these people have gone home on their own. Now try and follow the theme...even though the effect of having a wrecked economy has been the only phenomena to have positively affected the illegal immigration issue, we don't need to wreck our economy to get that effect. If we simply address the reason why they come here (those who hire them) they will go home on their own.