MADD Calls For Adult Classification of Grand Theft Auto IV


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
hysteria caused by Orson Welles back in the dark ages (1950s?) when he read "The War of the Worlds" on the fucking radio? People all over the nation thought we were under attack by aliens.

Rofl! :1orglaugh
D-rock:D-rock, have you ever heard of the hysteria caused by Orson Welles back in the dark ages (1950s?) when he read "The War of the Worlds" on the fucking radio? People all over the nation thought we were under attack by aliens.

For the record it was the Oct. 30, 1938 broadcast of the War of the Worlds.
I have two words for you.


Seriously, go and read about it. If you don't know that correlation, why are you posting about it. It's common knowledge, everywhere.

Oh come on, Fox. It's common knowledge everywhere?? Really?

So, it's just such "common sense" So much so that I guess you wouldn't be able to cite any source or statistics or any kind of actual study that backs up the claim?
Saying that "conservative age limits directly create teen pregnancies" is just as obvious as "grass is green" I suppose?

Please, for a guy who I actually agree with more than half the time, you really go off the rails with some of this stuff.

I'd also note that the word "conservative" can actually be in the eye of the beholder. If someone thinks the age of consent should be 14 (or less) and I think it should be 18, then I guess I'm the conservative one, relatively speaking. So, the first question before you cite your stats would be "How does one define 'conservative'?"
There's a BIG difference between a connection and a CORRELATION and actual CAUSATION, which you initially seemed to be talking about (you said "directly create"). Because I would likely agree that some other conservative policy could cause higher teen preg rates - an anti-knowledge policy where young people were denied info on contraception, the "abstinence-only" policies which I referred to above, for instance - but simply making the AGE OF CONSENT (to sex) lower, I don't see how that would lower teen pregnancy rates. Maybe I'm drawing too fine of a distinction for you to get my point here, but I think it's an important distinction.

We could make the age of consent 21, but still tell high school freshmen everything they'd ever want to know about birth control, and make such birth control as easy to acquire as lollipops, and the teen preg rates could still plummet, even if all of those teens were engaging in technically illegal sex.

And btw, no, I'm NOT proposing 21 as an age of consent. But 21 to be in porn, I think that's worth considering...


MADD is the definition of "over reactionary".

Today, the organization bears no resemblence to the one founded by Candice Lightner.

You know ? organizations, like threads have a tendency to morph :yinyang drift, don't they ?

Greenpeace and the sierra club - NOT even remotely the same objectives today as compared to when they began.

Add "liberal" and "conservative" politics -
Liberalism today is now for all intent and purpose - communism lite
conservatism = socialism.

Modern day progressivism ?
Not Good :(

Back on topic . . .
This is about "taste" ...

Under the same logic, any game where you "kill" is wrong and should be illegal. They want them to stop distribution? Com'mon! It's censorship at its finest!

I could understand if they were calling for a broad change to the "rating" system where acts of killing, doing grossly irresponsible adult acts (like driving drunk), etc... required a minimum rating. I'm all for "disclosure."

But telling a publisher they should yank it off the shelf is just "censorship." Why do organizations have to stoop to that level? Why can't they just leave it at pushing for "mandated disclosure" in a rating system and in advertising material?

I don't want to be told what I can and cannot do. But I'm all for requiring companies to disclose what I, or my kids, might be exposed to before I buy a product.