Don't we all remember reading about the US Military using First-person shooter games as part of soldier-training? Didn't that make anybody pause a bit?
That I'd like a link on. I kinda doubt they are using mainstream FPS games in that case, and even if so, probably not to teach the killing in particular (more likely to train perception and reactions, which video games actually seem to improve noticeably according to some studies).
Seriously, if your old enough to be able to buy the game there has to be something seriously screwed up with you to begin with for a work of fiction to ever cause people to do the things that some people are afraid of. Anybody that is not retarded can differentiate between reality and fiction. It's also just as silly to believe any rational semi-well informed person would think that anything in movies, television, or video games accurately reflect the world they are based on.
I'm also for lowering the age of adulthood (drinking, sex, driving, all of it) to 16, where it should be anyway.
GTA4 is an escape; like booze, drugs and over eating.
But it's cheaper and much less harmful.
Too many people fear what they do not understand.
It sounds like you are describing adults. And since MADD wants to bump up the rating to adult level, then I assume they are targeting under 18's.Not necessarily so. I have heard of many cases of people who have lost their jobs, their friends, their spouses have left them, and they have grown nearly out of touch with reality because they spend all their time playing games. World of Warcraft is a fine example. I read an article on Yahoo! News a couple years ago where they reported on the sad stories of people who found it physically impossible to set the game down. There have actually been psychological and support groups established in the US for people who have video game addictions. Video games seem like an escape from everyday life, but don't all addictions start that way?
I had a friend who, when GTA San Andreas came out, locked himself up in his room for 3 weeks and did nothing but play. There would be times when he would actually forget to eat for 2 days because he was so involved in the game. He missed work a couple times, and he came in late about 6 more times because he was at a spot in the game where he couldn't save his progress. The only reason why he didn't get fired is because the department's director was his cousin, and he had known 3 of the 5 supervisors since they were children.
Definitely not. That's ridiculous.
Until then, the ridiculous thing is that Americans don't see that conservative age limits directly create these problems.
When America stops having the worst teen pregnancy rate and teen drinking problems and so on, in the western world, then you can tell me the conservative age limits and laws currently in place are working. Until then, the ridiculous thing is that Americans don't see that conservative age limits directly create these problems.
The problem is not that 16 year olds can drive. The problem is that you don't need to know how to drive to pass a test and get a license.
How do "conservative age limits directly create teen pregnancies"??? Or even indirectly?
I think the teen pregnancy issue is a complex one, not boiled down to any single factor, however certainly abstinence-only sex-ed programs are one of them.
And in the area around Eldorado, Texas, belonging to a religious cult would ratchet up one's chances of being involved in a teen pregnancy quite a bit, I'm afraid...
MADD is the definition of "over reactionary".Is this over reactionary ?
(emphasis mine)MADD "has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned … I didn't start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving"
When America stops having the worst teen pregnancy rate and teen drinking problems and so on, in the western world, then you can tell me the conservative age limits and laws currently in place are working. Until then, the ridiculous thing is that Americans don't see that conservative age limits directly create these problems.
The problem is not that 16 year olds can drive. The problem is that you don't need to know how to drive to pass a test and get a license.
This is why MADD is extremely disappointed by the decision of the manufacturers of the game Grand Theft Auto IV to include a game module where players can drive drunk. Drunk driving is not a game and it is not a joke.
MADD is the definition of "over reactionary".
Today, the organization bears no resemblence to the one founded by Candice Lightner.
Quoting Ms. Lightner:
(emphasis mine)
I fully agree with Ms. Lightner. MADD today is a bunch of neo-puritan fascist a-holes dreaming about the good ol' days of Prohibition.
I wish they'd jump off a cliff - they're doing more harm to the cause of removing drunk drivers off the road than good.