MADD Calls For Adult Classification of Grand Theft Auto IV


MADD’s Statement Regarding Grand Theft Auto IV


MADD’s Statement Regarding Grand Theft Auto IV

Each year nearly 13,500 people die in drunk driving crashes and another half a million are injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes. This is why MADD is extremely disappointed by the decision of the manufacturers of the game Grand Theft Auto IV to include a game module where players can drive drunk. Drunk driving is not a game and it is not a joke. Drunk driving is a choice, a violent crime and it is also 100 percent preventable. MADD is calling on the Entertainment Software Ratings Board to reclassify Grand Theft Auto IV as an Adults Only game, a step up from the current rating of Mature and for the manufacturer to consider a stop in distribution – if not out of responsibility to society then out of respect for the millions of victims/survivors of drunk driving.

Is this over reactionary ? Your opine ______________________________________
Oh no, it's perfectly sane and completely reasonable to go after a video game that is already rated M (and probably correctly so) for its content instead of spending time on the real problem.

Responsibility to society? Respect for the victims? What the hell?
what does this have to do with mothers against drunk driving?

are people playing this video game while they are driving and drunk?

they make a game where you can kill police officers with a dildo, and they are upset that it shows someone drinking?

sorry ladies, you need to loosen up. maybe have a couple beers. it's ok. I'll do the driving. ;)
If this is how they spend their time, it's gonna take a lot more than a few beers. Quite possibly involving surgery and/or electrodes.
One thing's for sure. THe makers of GTA are LOVING this publicity. Maybe they'll donate some of their increased profits to MADD? Hell, for all we know one of their people sent a letter to MADD to get the ball rolling. That would be the smart thing to do.
Oh no, it's perfectly sane and completely reasonable to go after a video game that is already rated M (and probably correctly so) for its content instead of spending time on the real problem.

Responsibility to society? Respect for the victims? What the hell?
It is game for those people to lazt to get out of the house get drunk shoot up and rob people and beat up hookers on the outside !
what does this have to do with mothers against drunk driving?

are people playing this video game while they are driving and drunk?

they make a game where you can kill police officers with a dildo, and they are upset that it shows someone drinking?

sorry ladies, you need to loosen up. maybe have a couple beers. it's ok. I'll do the driving. ;)
Personally I take care of the killing of the Drunk drivers that is.( potassium and lidocaine never fails ) I use Fentanyl on the mothers ( if they are milfs ) to loosen them up . I love my job skill set !
well, i guess they should be making a video game about you then?
Grand Theft Tool Box?

Just kidding, I don't even really understand his post anyway.
People piss and moan about anything. There were loads of car accidents way before video games came out. I remember reading somewhere that a religious group either wanted Destroy All Humans 2 banned or have it given and adult rating cause it takes the piss out of religion. That's just sad, they need to get a life!

Will E Worm

Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.

Rating guide

The rating is seventeen and older. People start driving at sixteen. :rolleyes:

So, where's the problem? The only problem is women with too much time on their hands.
They should work on something constructive.
Like raising the driving age to eighteen.

Then they can make me a steak. :D
Its true what they say when they say, only in america. If they are so against it, all they have to do is ban their own children from playing it, problem solved. Unless of course said children become victims of drunk drivers in which case karmas a bitch!
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Absolutely ridiculous. Crime isn't a game either but well you get the point. It's a video game that is rated M. You have to practically be an adult to buy it and even if it was rated AO what makes them think kids won't be playing it. I don't see them trying change ratings on movies that feature drunk driving. They need to get together and actually focus on real life rather than the video game. Besides there are consequences in the game for drunk driving and you could call a taxi however every taxi that I've called has passed me by thereby forcing me to drive drunk.
MADD is, of course, correct. This game should not be in the hands of anyone under 21.

The ratings system is a joke. It's hardly enforced by the retailers.

The bigger issue is that this game makes money by exposing American Culture in the worst possible light. It cements all of these pathetic stereotypes (pimps, Hos, drugs etc) and normalizes absurd criminal behavior.

When are we going to say "enough is enough?" This isn't entertainment anymore.

Does this game present a version of America that makes anyone proud to be American?
i think the rating is just fine...

people blame video games for peoples actions...

what about movies, magazines, t.v., SCHOOL...and many other places!!!

i've learned more about drugs in SCHOOL then anywhere else and i dont even do any drugs!

Why does MADD go to a college and check out a frat house?

I hate when people blame someones actions on video games or t.v. PEOPLE MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES IN LIFE...

I find it rather insulting as a human being (and an ex-teenager) that people constantly think that teenagers that watch video games are so pathetically ignorant that games like GTA 4 will actually influence any sane teenager to the remotest of degrees.

Why do adults continually forget what they were like when they were teenagers?
I find the game to be entertaining. See the thread about why people are attracted to "the devil" and subversive elements in society.

I also play medal of honor, but it doesn't inspire me to praise the military anymore than GTA makes me want to celebrate criminals.

people play video games so that they can do things that they can't or otherwise won't be able to do in real life. it's as simple as that.
And I suppose that fucking a hooker, killing her, and taking my money back in the game is gonna inspire me to do the same in real life.:rolleyes:
And I suppose that fucking a hooker, killing her, and taking my money back in the game is gonna inspire me to do the same in real life.:rolleyes:

It's called becoming "de-sensitized to violence" and forming an absurd chasm between REALITY and the virtual reality of the game.

Since the 70s/80s we've seen images (in movies usually) of "brainwashing" a person which involves force-feeding that person graphic images of sex/violence/whatever through earphones, huge tv screen viewing, and for hours and hours on end.

Doesn't this resemble game-playing today?

I think we're closer to brainwashing a generation of young people into violence-hungry, social misfits than we think...:dunno::thefinger

Don't we all remember reading about the US Military using First-person shooter games as part of soldier-training? Didn't that make anybody pause a bit?

I guess not.

Disclosure: Yes I play games. I like Half-Life on the computer and Resident Evil on sports games. I might buy a Wii someday.