Lucie Lee

The garage doors at Lucie Lee Lane

Living on Lucie Lee Lane means never having to lock one's doors. I grew up never having to lock doors and there are truely many places in the world that still do not require locks and some languages, I dare say, that the word does not even exist. If ever I do lock a door, it is the front one, but the garage door is always ajar. I just have my friends just slide on in .... in the event they catch me not at home.

Same is true with neighbor, Lucie. She has the same set up. Garage is always open so slide right on in and make yourself at home.

If you like, you can always leave a note, a small token, a flower from the garden, any thing .... just a bit of something so we will know you were there upon our return. I have included film clip #5 below as a suggestion on what you may want to leave.

Lisa Lucie
Lucie Lee and her 6 year old T-Shirt

It may be a bit too early to think about such whims, but I figure around February 2011, I will be nearing my 5000th post at FREEONES. Of course, that would mean my FREEONES T-shirt would not be too far behind.

Does anybody know if they shrink after washing? Really not sure if I will wear mine or frame it. Probably will wear it and need to know what size to order. If they do not shrink, I would like to have a petite. If they do shrink, I will take a medium. I may eat a few doughnuts before 2011 and maybe even a larger size would be needed.

Do we have a choice in a wet or dry T-shirt? Although, not even remotely close to looking as good as Ms. Lucie Lee, I think I would look good enough in either the wet or dry styles. If they only come dry, that is OK, as I know how to add water to it, but will to need to know if they shrink or not.

Also, was afraid FREEONES did not know how to find me or if they knew where Lucie Lee Lane was located. I am in the little white cottage at the end of the lane. It has a white picket fence, but not sure if I will have removed, replaced or painted it in the next 6 years or so. It would be a good idea to check with me before attempting delivery of the shirt. If you are confused with where to send it or how to find my place, can we just meet on the street somewhere and just pass it on to me? I should be in Czechoslovakia or Italy at that time, but can make a short junket to America if need be to pick it up.

Is the FREEONES shirt factory hiring at this time? I promise to be an honest emloyee most of the time and will not steal T-shirts from you unless I think I have worked real hard and then will only steal one or two dozen boxes. You have my word on that.

At the factory at this time, are there any seconds or imperfections that are going to be tossed? .... Or are there any torn, spotted, or stained T-shirts that need good homes? You can send some to me at this time regardless of size. I will wear the torn or spot or stain with pride.

Do you think FREEONES would consider trading quality posts rather than the numbering of posts? In other words, posts that bring a bit of life to a thread more so than others … maybe they can be worth 5 to 10 posts. Don’t worry, I can be the judge on how good mine are and I will be fair, mostly.

I would like to think some of my posts are worth more than ones that state:
"I would love to do her" ...... "She is Hot" ..... "Good DP pics" ..... "Oh, yes. She does it for me."

In any event, February 2011 is less than 6 years away and I am looking forward to that moment for sure no matter when it comes.

In the mean time, the following shows a beautiful Ms. Lee with someone special…….. and whether in a T-shirt or not, I think you will conclude she looks just fine. Heck, send her my T-Shirt!
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Playing with Lucie Lee!

This is a SEEK and FIND game. For this game, we will be using ONLY Movie Clip #2 in the four clips in the link below. Remember now, only CLIP #2. The other 3 clips will be assigned as homework a bit later.

Ms. Lee has a number of disguises. In this clip she is accompanied by 2 other unidentified friends. You will not see any part of the three's faces. The game is to figure out which one is Ms. Lee. Now, I would recognize any part of her at any time, but I just thought it would be fun for you.

The game is designed to be hard, but I understand that we all like hard things ... and if I had the balls, I would go ahead and look at the other 3 clips after I viewed the game ... as, in my experience, the only thing better than a hard thing is a harder thing. (Did I really say that!!??) ...... Let me know if my experience tells me wrong.

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Lucie Lee and a bit of confusion ...

dire_need said:
Heh! Maybe on the second date?

The last pic of that set scares me. It looks like nasal irrigation.

No, Dire Need. The last pic has nothing to do with nasal irrigation. It is a picture of Peter North offering his gift to Ms. Lee. She has decided, at this particular moment, to accept the gift facially. There are other options available, but this is a legitmate choice for her.

I just thought if one was a member of FreeOnes, male or female, that one knew how things worked. Sorry, for any confusion on my part. It was truely unintentional and I truely apologize.

I do understand your consternation though. When I was younger I had no idea how things worked. I asked some of the boys I hung with and they offered to school me. Just a suggestion, but perhaps you can do the same.

Have a wonderful day and always wear a smile,

Re: Lucie Lee and a bit of confusion ...

There is no need to apologize, Lisa. I understand how these things can happen.

Lisa, it would be my distinct pleasure to further your education, but you need to know that I am "old school". :)

May the sun always shine on Lucie Lee Lane.
Changing Times effect Ms. Lucie Lee

Time marches on, and with it goes some rules of order that were followed without question by our forefathers and mothers, bringing a whole new set of rules of etiquette. Now, the new rules are just that … new …. and are not time tested, but I love living in a time to be the proverbial guinea pig.

For example, I never did like the rule to “keep your hands to yourself” and I am so glad we have evolved to a time where we will no longer go blind if we touch ourselves.

And equally as important, I am so glad we live in a time where it is a bit more accepting that we gals can get a legitimate taste of what you guys knew for a long time without telling us. (Maybe guys are smarter than girls after all. Will have to test that rule further.)

Touching, not going blind, and a taste of honey …. I offer you these if you click below in a few movie clips that find Lucie Lee at the pool that also includes a rule of “bathing suit optional.” (Actually, I just made that new rule up as I was dictating.) Bathing suit is mandatory … it is just that you don’t have to wear it.

Now remember guys and gals, we are playing under new rules … trust me … you will not go blind!

Lisa Lucie
Re: Lucie Lee unfolds a flag

lisa lucie said:
Just got the nack down of how to properly fold a flag. Was wondering if anyone knew if there existed a proper way of unfolding it. Any assistance would be appreciated.

lisa lucie
Here you cand find somethig related:
Lucie Lee Pillow Fighting

I enjoy my memories of pillow fights ... tumbling and tossing about in the bedroom and jumping on the bed. Can't remember who exactly won those fights, but was never keeping score either.

If fighting with brothers, perhaps the fights ended with me yelling for them to stop as they were too rough after a while. With girlfriends, pulling hair was not below my bag of tricks.

Can't remember even planning to have one. A bell rang somewhere and a fight was on!

Winning was never important, but if laughing throughout was a sign of winning, it truely is a sport where all become winners.

Ms. Lee will now demontstrate this same art form.

Fight will be a good clean fight, mostly .... Fighters will come out fighting ... Each will demonstrate their own bag of tricks .... Participants will be assured that both will become winners as referee makes them come together at end of fight for a friendly shake.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the fight, Lisa
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Re: Lee minus 6-Inches and Cunting

Hi Lisa Lucie,

I stopped by to keep abreast of the adventures of Ms. Lee and I spotted this:
lisa lucie said:
What a coincidence! Just yesterday, I was on a quest at the local hardware store to find gap filler to fix my driveway. Well, it looks like Ms. Lee was wanting of gap filler and she found it, too.
