Lucie Lee

Lucie Lee takes a Summer Swim

It is either the ocean or a small private pool for me as I do not like lakes or large public pools. It is not the lack of privacy ... I just hate being in cold water and hearing those empty promises from others that it is "warm after you get used to it".

Ms. Lee feels the same as me .... or more truthfully, I feel the same as her.

And after Ms. Lee takes a dip in a private pool, she graciously allows us to see how it can be to take a dip in her. Not sure how you are about getting into Ms. Lee, but don't worry, I promise you, it is "warm after you get used to it."

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Playing the Honey game with Lucie Lee

Let's play a game called "Pick out the Queen Bee".

In the link below you will find a picture of which you will need to locate Ms. Lucie Lee buzzing with other bees amongst a couple of drones.

Don't you worry about Ms. Lee when you find her as she hovers nearby that big drone. Yes, it is menancing looking, but drones are stingless and they make no honey ... they do give a bit of nectar when called upon, but no honey.

Now, the trick is to find her amongst the rest of the beautiful honey bees. You will know you have won the game when you notice that you too give away the fact that you are a drone too.

Good luck and good hunting.

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Ms. Lucie Lee and A Perfect 10!

Here is a lucky little bit of film clip that I found. I am very pleased to be able to share it. The LINK below is a home page of a Porn Site which has a film teaser which features Lucie Lee. Not only does it feature Ms. Lee, it features her along with many others ... shall we say a variety-pack.

Directions on how to find the movie once you click LINK below.

1. Click on Link below.

2. Locate a blonde girl in pink. She is very pretty, although her face is turned from you. (Trust me she is pretty).

3. Once you locate the pretty girl, or may I dare say, very lovely girl in pink, measure down the page about a half a normal cock length, (about 3 inches if you have a ruler or just fold yours in half to get the measurement) to find a DOWNLOAD THE VIDEO link.

4. Click on LINK and you will see Ms. Lee march into the room to add to a bevy of excitement.

By the way, this is my 9th straight post on FreeOnes at this site while no one else has posted. I guess I truely own this site; a fact that I have suspected for some time now. .............................. My post tomorrow will make me a Perfect 10! Hope no one spoils my Perfect 10 chance, but in the event they do, I will always have Ms. Lee, and with her, I am perfect no matter what the number.

Stopping Traffic with Lucie Lee

I am on the beautification committee of the small burg in which I live and have at least one proposal that is meeting some discussion as I have suggested a change in the traditional STOP signs on our streets.

I have provided samples of various suggestions of my proposal below and, more importantly; I have also placed experimental ones on the streets of several intersections today as we have a town meeting in an hour to discuss the possible changes.

However there is a problem. Traffic is in gridlock and where cars are able to break free they circle around to get back into the gridlock. Apparently, the signs work too well. Looks like I will never get a quorum together to vote on the measure.

Democracy sorta’ sucks when you have no one to vote. Think I will go back to living under a good dictatorship that listens to me.

(Maybe, all I need is a good idea for a GO sign now.)

Lucie Lee takes another swim and etcetera ... etcetera ... etcetera

robertodiaz123 said:
Hello Lisa:
I admire your devotion to Lucie Lee.
Thanks for your pics, videos and for your smart posts.
See you again

Thanks Roberto. And thanks again for the REP points.

She is my Number 1 for sure. And next to Santa, you are #3. Don't expect to move up on the list though.

Hope you like skinny dipping. This ones for you.

(PS: Hope you like skinny licking too as I threw some in for good measure.)


Nikkala made me do it!
Re: Lucie Lee takes another swim and etcetera ... etcetera ... etcetera

lisa lucie said:
She is my Number 1 for sure. And next to Santa, you are #3. Don't expect to move up on the list though.
OMG, that's hilarious! LMAO :rofl2:
Inadvertently made a duplicate posting

I am editing this post as I inadvertantly submitted it twice. Not sure how I did the duplicate posting, but now I have successfully deleted the contents of this post #230 and have included my intended post in #231.

If FreeOnes, can elimininate this post entirely, I would be grateful as I don't want to have a cheap posting on my way to my free t-shirt. (Medium, as I assume they shrink with washing). (Spaghetti straps would be nice ... do you have those?)

All my best, Lisa
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Lucie Lee and suggestions for dining

Have been on the road a bit these days and with all the restaurants available, still it is hard to find just the right place some time. One can always get by of course, but sometimes a meal can be a highlight of one's day or could be a tremendous boost in getting one started.

I often pack my own lunch. Sometimes it may be a bit off the menu and the meal has a bit too much fat as exemplified by Ms. Lee in movie clip #1. ........... If I want some meat rather than just a salad, then it is always prepared lightly as I want to see pink as seen in #2. .............. #3 shows just how finger licking good a meal can really be. No need for napkins when you would just as soon get more on your lips anyway. ............... Finally, if one wants a full course meal with lots of toppings, I offer you clip #4.

Bon Appetit, Lisa
Lucie Lee thinks on her feet

Well, maybe ... just maybe, it is a well worn theme of playing 'footsies' with your lovers in this link. And maybe it is only just a girl's game, but with Lucie Lee starring as one of the players, a whole new dimension is added to the game.

And I stand accused, plead guilty, and have been convicted of being a girl who pussy foots around as well, enjoying a few digits exploring mysteries of another ... so if it "takes one to know one" ... guess I "is" that one.

There is a tune that says "Boots are made for walking" ... well, feet can do more than just walk ... they don't have a voice, but how they have a way of talking.

Have a wonderful day. Hope your day includes a beautiful walk as well, and I will do the same. And if no walk is in your horizon, I do hope you have a chance to dust off the game of 'footsy' yourself and have a go at it.

Stepping Lively, Lisa
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Lucie Lee Physics 101

How many of you ever stuck your tongue onto a frozen item only to have it stick to it? I did it one time and part of my lip got stuck. Drew a bit of blood too and probably a tear, but honestly don't remember that part.

Well, physics is still what it is, and tongues still stick. And they stick even more so as we get older and things don't have to be as cold to get them entangled.

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Lucie Lee offers a helping hand

3 movie clips for you, all of which have their own unique excitement, but will share with you my thoughts on CLIP #3.

Early withdrawals are not just a problem with financial investments. There is time for quickness and haste, but one should consider slowing down in many areas of one's life.

CLIP #3 may help you in this respect.

By the way, if it were my hand, I would never ever ever ... no never ... wash it again.
Lucie Lee and a quick movie clip

If I could have just a second of your time, I will try not to waste it, and will get right down to business.

Have a bit of a LINK with 4 movie clips. You may not have seen any of them, but if you think you have upon clicking, I think CLIPS #2 & #3 may prove to be offered for the first time here at FREEONES. ......... Just really nothing special, just Ms. Lee making an ass out of her legs again, and allowing us to see the blueprints of such a fine piece of craftmanship.

Funny thing is, even after seeing the blue prints and the finished piece, you just cannot duplicate her. The only thing you can even dream of doing is to get close to her, and for a lucky few, even in her.

And even if I am wrong and all the clips have all been offered before, you really cannot get too much of a good thing ... or maybe even a bad thing!

So, if you are busy, just check out #2 and #3 and let the others ride.

My time is up...Thank you for yours.
