Lucie Lee

Lucie Lee and a biological spill

Another in a series of public saftey films provided by Ms. Lee.

The LINK blow will provide you 2 movie clips on the unique storage devices of controlled substances that are easily provided for both men and women.

A third and final film is unique as it prepares the viewer for a possible biological spill along with a suggested clean-up activity. All toll, you will have 60 seconds of good training film for yourself and some lucky others.

The only thing hard about this suggestion in this film is the proper steps to take right before the spill. Once the spill is eminent, the clean-up is immediate, thorough, easy, and all consuming. ..... In fact, I have personally found I look forward to realistic practice drills.

Although you may want to practice another clean-up activity, the one that is suggested in this video will satisfy even the strictest of inspectors.

Have a wonderful day, Lisa
Do you believe in magic?

Ms. Lee begins by changing into her magic costume as the magician arrives.

Well, it is not exactly a hat that the prestidigitator is going to use, and I really don't think she is thinking for one moment, that she is going to pull a rabbit out of Ms. Lee's vagina, but she has my all-eyes and I cannot wait to see what does appear on her fingertips.

In the meantime, I have looked about to find I have the same magical equipment so perhaps I will be practicing, practicing, and ohhhh how I must practice to achieve such professional looking showmanship.

Enjoy your day and practice leaving a smile and a bit a magic to someone somewhere in it, Lisa Lucie
Sharing my 2 cents with you

Not quite sure if these 3 Movie Clips are even worth the bother or the time it takes to type these words. Still, the post will have some redeeming qualities as it will add to my day in 2011 ... a year that I have estimated I will receive my 5000th post and my FreeOnes T-Shirt. (By the way, I would love to hear from one who has earned a shirt.)

Anyway back to the movie clips.

The first one is ruined as the darn curtain will not rise and Ms. Lee's secret garden is not exposed until the second movie clip. ........ And then in the second movie clip, when her garden is finally revealed, the two girls who accompany Ms. Lee want to get their 2 cents in and little can be seen of Ms. Lee's 2 cents ....... Finally, in the third movie clip, Ms. Lee seems to get caught up with one of the other girls, perhaps in a spat and it takes her blonde friend to act as a referee to finally pull them apart.

Perhaps, you may want to pass Clicking on and then Viewing the link .... but you know what, just looking at a chair that Ms. Lee once sat in is a turn-on enough for me ... so I like the LINKS and enjoy sharing my 2 cents with you!

Lisa Lucie
Re: Sharing my 2 cents with you

lisa lucie said:
Not quite sure if these 3 Movie Clips are even worth the bother or the time it takes to type these words. Still, the post will have some redeeming qualities as it will add to my day in 2011 ... a year that I have estimated I will receive my 5000th post and my FreeOnes T-Shirt. (By the way, I would love to hear from one who has earned a shirt.)

Anyway back to the movie clips.

The first one is ruined as the darn curtain will not rise and Ms. Lee's secret garden is not exposed until the second movie clip. ........ And then in the second movie clip, when her garden is finally revealed, the two girls who accompany Ms. Lee want to get their 2 cents in and little can be seen of Ms. Lee's 2 cents ....... Finally, in the third movie clip, Ms. Lee seems to get caught up with one of the other girls, perhaps in a spat and it takes her blonde friend to act as a referee to finally pull them apart.

Perhaps, you may want to pass Clicking on and then Viewing the link .... but you know what, just looking at a chair that Ms. Lee once sat in is a turn-on enough for me ... so I like the LINKS and enjoy sharing my 2 cents with you!

Lisa Lucie
Fans of this thread gratefully accept your 2 cents, Lisa Lucie. Allow me to contribute my two coins to the pot. The activity you see in the third video clip has nothing to do with a spat between two girls; although, a casual observer might interpret the scene that way. In fact, the girls are indulging in an act peculiar to those who have a sapphic bent of mind. It's called tribadism, a fancy word for what is more colorfully known as "donut bopping". Look up "tribadism" at Urban Dictionary for the comprehensive lowdown. I hope this clears up any confusion about the content of that video clip.

Boy, all of a sudden I have a craving for a Krispy Kreme donut, one with chocolate frosting and those colorful little sprinkles. :yummie:
Lucie Lee visits the bakery.

dire_need said:
Fans of this thread gratefully accept your 2 cents, Lisa Lucie. ............. the girls are indulging in an act peculiar to those who have a sapphic bent of mind. It's called tribadism, a fancy word for what is more colorfully known as "donut bopping". Look up "tribadism" at Urban Dictionary for the comprehensive lowdown. :

Dear Dire Need:

Thanks for the post about our Ms. Lee.

I did try to look up "tribadism" in a standard dictionary, and as you inferred, I do need an Urban Dictionary.

Thanks for schooling me on the term "tribadism" as I did like it when Ms. Lee and the "trio" rubbed their "disms" together for sure and will consult that dictionary that you make reference. ..... I was aware of some Sapphic tendencies on my part, but never figured that I was "donut bopping".

I will think of this the next time I "donut bop" or eat my next "donut" as well. Hope it is a creme filled one for sure.

Lucie Lee with Good News and Bad News

I offer the following LINK of 3 movie clips along with some Good News and some Bad News.

The good news of course is that Lucie Lee will appear in all 3 with a girl friend and a couple of guys who truely enjoy her company.

The bad news is that Ms. Lee carefully hides her lower torso. So even though you may enjoy her lovely face and golden breasts, her vagina and butt will remain a secret.

Guess she knows you can get too much of a good thing.

Lisa Lucie