
Good catch about Jack's beard and the time span. The writers really have dropped the ball here. I still like the show and will continue to watch it but they really need to get their act together in keeping up with all of this.

I think they've given up on having this show ultimately make sense. Lots of loose ends are going to be dropped. There are too many characters in the show, especially if there are a slew of *survivors* off of Tanjira Air or whatever the new plane crash was called....

I think the 3 year time lapse is important. The "time benders" that Sawyer/Juliette/etc were on only took what...4 days of actual time?

I think it's interesting that they are stuck in 1974-ish because would any of the remaining Losties really want to go back to the "World" in 1974? Is that any better a life than hanging out on the island?

If Christian and Claire are not dead...I'm going to burn all of my LOST DVDs.

I'm guessing we're going to get an Ethan as "child" reference this season...
I'm guessing we're going to get an Ethan as "child" reference this season...

I doubt it. what would be the point? other than the fact that they apparently like having him make as many cameos as possible form beyond the grave, there really isn't anything that he can add to the plot.

I wonder about that girl who was Ben's buddy when he was a kid. what ever happened to her?

speaking of kids, I never got that whole thing with why women supposedly died on the Island after giving birth. I always thought it was bullshit, and they just said that to trick Claire and sun, because they were never going to die. But since Juliette keeps talking about it, I guess that it really did happen. But it didn't start happening until after Ben became the leader of the Others... or perhaps it only happens to people that are the original Others/hostiles. Maybe since they are immortal (?), they can't reproduce.


Hiliary 2020
Well right now on the island its 1977.
We know that jin, sawyer, daniel juliette and miles are darhma.
it is possible rose and bernard and whoever else is left are darhma also.
but there was that scene a few episodes back where the camp was abandonded, vincent leash was found and the outriggers where there.
thats gotta come into play again.

Locke was on the plane therefore he is in 1977 also, the whole island is.

I'm gonna go check when ben arrived as a kid.
ben was born in the early 60's and arrived on the island when he was about 10.
he should be there in 1974-1977.

according to this Locke and ben and Lapidus are on island in the present.
I don't see how, they were all on the same airplane.
now i'm confused.

little help?
Locke and the passengers are on the second island. At the beginning and end of the "Death of Jeremy Bentham" episode it shows them inside the Hydra Station, clearly when Locke points out the Dharma Initiative logo.

Sawyer and the rest are also on the second island in 1977, I believe that they explicitly said so, and they are also shown in the Hydra station. Since the two groups have not came in contact with each other, despite being in the same location, it's apparent that they are not in the same time vector. The only time that the station has been unoccupied is near or after the Oceanic Six left the Island, so Locke and crew must be sometime in between 2004-7.

This is also a good explanation why Sawyer's crew has not came into contact with Ben, because he is on the main Island and Workman Linus is a lowly member of the Dharma Initiative and it is likely that they have not been acquainted with each other. Although when they first met that chick and dealt with Richard, they were on the main Island, so it doesn't really explain how they wouldn't have met, unless Ben got there after they had already left for the second Island. It's not clear, but it seems to me that this may also be before Horus built Jacob's cabin.
PS. It still doesn't explain why Horus built the cabin in the first place and why Jacob took up residence in it after the purge.

(It's because Locke is Jacob ;), obviously. Christian "took the place" of Jacob, and John took the place of Christian. hmm.)
Actually his name is Horace. But that has some interesting significance. Horus is a falcon god of Egypt (Egyptian hieroglyphics behind the numbers in the Swan station) whose kingdom was at war with the Worshipers of Set, the god of darkness and clouds whom pharaoh Ramses constructed a temple to honor. Also remember that Egypt was the land where the Jews were held in captivity until they were freed by Moses, a descendant of Aaron and Jacob. hmm...
Actually his name is Horace. But that has some interesting significance. Horus is a falcon god of Egypt (Egyptian hieroglyphics behind the numbers in the Swan station) whose kingdom was at war with the Worshipers of Set, the god of darkness and clouds whom pharaoh Ramses constructed a temple to honor. Also remember that Egypt was the land where the Jews were held in captivity until they were freed by Moses, a descendant of Aaron and Jacob. hmm...

Good theory.

It also kinda explains the statue when they were traveling thru time. We only saw it from the rear, but it fits in with your theory.

With Rose and Bernard. It's possible their story will debut soon and I suspect now they may be "Adam and Eve". The skeleton remains found in the cave back in the first season i believe. Remember the remains were each holding a black and white stone. It may have been a way of them them trying to communicate to Jack and the rest of the castaways.


Hiliary 2020
Locke and the passengers are on the second island. At the beginning and end of the "Death of Jeremy Bentham" episode it shows them inside the Hydra Station, clearly when Locke points out the Dharma Initiative logo.

Sawyer and the rest are also on the second island in 1977, I believe that they explicitly said so, and they are also shown in the Hydra station. Since the two groups have not came in contact with each other, despite being in the same location, it's apparent that they are not in the same time vector. The only time that the station has been unoccupied is near or after the Oceanic Six left the Island, so Locke and crew must be sometime in between 2004-7.

This is also a good explanation why Sawyer's crew has not came into contact with Ben, because he is on the main Island and Workman Linus is a lowly member of the Dharma Initiative and it is likely that they have not been acquainted with each other. Although when they first met that chick and dealt with Richard, they were on the main Island, so it doesn't really explain how they wouldn't have met, unless Ben got there after they had already left for the second Island. It's not clear, but it seems to me that this may also be before Horus built Jacob's cabin.

nice . explains alot
but i think sawyer and the gang are on the main island.
isnt that where the sonic fence and the others/darhma main barracks are?
I don't remember them being in the hydra in this episode?
I liked how Sawyer threw in the bit about being on an explorer freighter looking for the Black Rock. That was cool. Horace bought it (or did he..hmm.)

I'm guessing that Sawyer/Juliette/Jin/Miles decided they didn't want to take the Sub journey to Tahiti afterall. What would be the point of them living life in 1977? It would feel almost similar to living on the island--it would be a similar "caveman" type existence for them.

I still don't understand the Hostiles vs Dharma dynamic. If Richard Alpert and the Hostiles are "all powerful" and don't ever die, then what would they care about the Dharma people. They could just wipe them out whenever they want to. Wasn't Richard concerned about digging up those two Hostiles that Sawyer whacked so he could "bring them back to life"? I thought that was what he sort of hinted at.

I'm not sure about the Egypt/Moses theory...although Richard Alpert does seem very Osiris like maybe...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris

One thing that doesn't seem likely is that "ISLAND ZOMBIE VIRUS" has materialized. I thought the bloody noses were ISLAND ZOMBIE VIRUS but they don't appear to be so. Maybe ISLAND ZOMBIE VIRUS was a weapon the Dharma Initiative created to *wipe out* the Hostiles...I still can't let go of Rousseau's original hintings at it...from S1.


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
Sawyer is my favorite character... I want to know more of this 3 year thing with him... how he got into charge... lost of things to know about this crazy TV show....
nice . explains alot
but i think sawyer and the gang are on the main island.
isnt that where the sonic fence and the others/darhma main barracks are?
I don't remember them being in the hydra in this episode?

well yeah, that was a little bit confusing. they were on the main island in 1974 when they met Richard and all that, but three years later in 1977 they were living on the second island.

I'm not sure about the Egypt/Moses theory...although Richard Alpert does seem very Osiris like maybe...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris

well that wasn't really a theory, I was just pointing out what those things are. Because they are mentioned on the show it think it's safe to assume that it at least had some influence over the mythology, not necessarily significant, but the same as the many pieces of history and literature that they have woven into a part of the storyline. maybe, maybe not.

In Egyptian history the worshipers of Set were the foreigners that first drove out the natives, which would kinda be the opposite of the connection to Lost... or would it? now there's a theory.


Hiliary 2020
thanks cal but i figured it out.

sawyer and his bunch have always been on the island since locke left.

jack and his bunch crashed there also.

but locke and his bunch crashed on the second island with the hydra station on it.
the time is unknown, we do know that it seems the darhma people are not there at that point,maybe, so its probably after 1992, the year of the purge.
Ok, so I watched the beginning of last weeks episode "Lafleur" (haven't watched this weeks yet.)

You were right Sawyer and crew are on the main island in 1977. What threw me off is because it first shows a Dharma Station with video monitors, which I had presumed to be the Hydra Station, because the only other station with monitors like that is the Pearl Station, which they obviously are not at. But in the next scene it clearly shows them at the Barracks and Horace is at the sonic fence.

Interestingly they are also shown wearing a previously unseen Dharma logo, which has a five pointed star in the center, and Sawyer's uniform identifies him as head of security, or something like that. This may be a "new" Dharma Station, possibly the one in the upper right In between the Staff and Arrow Stations that is depicted as crossed out with no accompanying information on the Swan's blast door map. Might check out what Lostpedia has to say, but I don't want to read any spoilers for the last episode.

(I've made a map of my own, but it is difficult to tell the proximity of locations based on the different maps seen on the show. The "electrical" map that Sayid gets from Mikhail, and the map that comes with the season 3 DVD show the barracks and the Flame (communication) stations close by each other. As far as I can tell the blast door map is not in any kind of scale and is just a rough approximation of the relative locations of the different stations to each other.)

I don't know why I thought that they said something about the second Island.. maybe they are there later, I'll have to watch the rest of it and see.


Hiliary 2020
yeah that opening scene made me think it was the hydra also.

I wouldnt think the 2 islands would not move together.
I mean daniel and his dingy buddies were within the radius, so was jin, so why wouldnt the second island be also.
remember when the new guy from the plane ( Caesar) was snooping around the hydra?
he found a life magazine, a very old one, that could be a clue as to when they are.

Dont worry about the new episode, they skipped a week, the next one will be aired on march 18th.
So you think that Ben and Locke are in 1977 as well? interesting. well I guess the new episode is going to be on in about an hour here, so we'll see if any new info is revealed.
Is Sayid in a diffrent time zone than the other? I'm thinking he is because at the end, he met ben when he was younger.
Is Sayid in a diffrent time zone than the other? I'm thinking he is because at the end, he met ben when he was younger.

Yea he is like they stated in the begining of the episode that Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, Juliet and Jin are all 30 years back in time compared to the rest of the plane that just crashed
I guess that solves the question of where Ben is in 1977. So it would seem that Sawyer has to be aware of that, but of course it makes sense that he wouldn't make light of it...although that was kind of weak for a "reveal" and really no need to withhold that information from the audience since it doesn't change anything. but whatever.

We still don't know precisely when Locke and the rest are. It was rather odd that the Barracks were all boarded up and dilapidated like that- could it be the "future" (after they left the Island)? But it looked like there was stuff left over from Dharma, which doesn't make much sense either; the place was abandoned after the purge, but later cleaned up and and reinhabited by the Others?

Maybe next week we will find out what the promise was Kate made to Sawyer before leaving the Island.
also wtf happened to Faraday?

It would seem that "not being able to change the past" means not being able to change the memories of the people in the present/future. Since Danielle didn't remember Jin, I guess Ben won't remember Sayid or any of the others- despite the fact that there apparently is a photograph of all of them from 1977 hanging up on the wall (add another wtf?).

I don't know how I feel about all this business with Christian, but I'm leaning more towards not liking it. We had the episode that revealed "The man behind the curtain", so why is he still playing as Oz?