I think Jack's son is a pretty big bombshell, only in that I guess we have to truly believe that the "present LA" scenes (flashforwards?) are to be taken as WHAT IF THE ISLAND NEVER EXISTED? :dunno: We keep seeing Others show up in roles that seem to imply that they now have "real lives" in LA, too (who knew!

One thing that bothers me is this whole nobody answering direct questions. Somebody FINALLY asks a good question and....CUT TO NEW SCENE

or the person answers with a new question

Yes it was the hallmark of the show from S1-S5, but c'mon..cut it out Demon and Curse. Stop that shit.
The revelation of Jack's son would've been more interesting to me if they had an actual scene and conversation. It was basically same ol, same ol (new interesting person ignoring Lostie

Seeing Shannon's inhaler and the cave w/Adam and Eve was pretty cool. Sad. But cool. I totally forget that Jack and Hurley were in the cave when Ethan was discovered. That scene with Hurley and Jack and Sayid was one of the great moments in the show, imo...
I guess the Lighthouse really wasn't needed. I agree with blackbull---who was at 180 degrees? Widmore?
Is Charles Widmore Jacob's Savior?