Good episode.
The last part with the Smoke Monster (SM) and Sawyer had a lot of twists. You have to watch it multiple times.
The first thing to remember is the SM did not tell Sawyer everything and some of the info was the truth, some of it was a lie or partial truth in order to accomplish his goals.
When they first went into the cave, he came to the scale and threw the white rock out, he made the comment it was a inside joke. The question is was this a inside joke between he and Jacob, or was it the writers giving us a clue that the the references thru-out the series with black/white mean nothing?
He then shows Sawyer the names/numbers. There was a shitload of names with numbers all over the place. I did spot a name with the number 313 next to it. Which tells us this has been going on for a long time. The SM tells Sawyer that the purpose for being there is to find replacements to care for the island. He later tells Sawyer that the island means nothing and all of this is a waste of time.
This contradicts Ben saying the smoke monster is a security system.
He also says the numbers mean nothing and that Jacob just liked numbers. This contradicts the meaning of the numbers thru-out the show because the numbers were used for the computer in the Swan station. We did later find out the numbers were just some numbers DHARMA came up with for a serial number on the hatch. Whether it is a coincidence or not is unknown. This may be the writers telling us....just like the stones earlier in the scene that it means nothing and we are wasting our time dwelling on it.
Following that, I think the writers are telling us that alot of the shit we as viewers have pre-occupied ourselves with has been a waste of time and we are not looking for the answers which are probably right in our face.
Another twist is the alternate storyline showing Locke. I believe that the Locke we are seeing is The Smoke Monster. This became evident when the SM met Ben in the teacher lounge and he gave that slick smirk that the SM likes to give. Whatever his plan is it is to get close to Ben.
Following that, I believe the SM is doing the same thing as what Jacob was doing when Jacob involved hisself with the castaways in their earlier lives. The SM is probably doing the same thing for whatever goal he has. So far he has met Boone, Jack, Hurley, Rose and Ben. I suspect he will meet the other castaways in later episodes.
The small blonde kid we saw running around, I believe is not a version of Jacob, but another entity of the island we are being introduced to, he did not refer to himself as being Jacob but spoke of Jacob. It is possible we have met the kid or that the kid is a representation of the island itself. The kid may have been the "Energy" contained in the Swan station and was released when Desmond put the key in the failsafe under the Swan station.
I got to go back and watch the episode again, cuz I got some other theorys.