Loose Change - What Do You All Think?

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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Calling them "Sand People" isn't racist? That's just one step shy of calling them "Sand Niqqers" sir, and I will not tolerate that kind of prejudice. You wrote:
pretty accurate description to boot

So you agree with the description of the hijackers as "Sand People," you stated so yourself.:ban::ban2::ban:
It is common knowledge Chris Benoit did 9/11.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Ah, Chris Benoit, the world's tallest midget......Dwarf.......whatever. I don't know about his ties to Al Qaeda, but he sure terrorized the shit out of his family. Plus, I need a bigger picture of that for one of my buddies.
Calling them "Sand People" isn't racist? That's just one step shy of calling them "Sand Niqqers" sir, and I will not tolerate that kind of prejudice. You wrote:

So you agree with the description of the hijackers as "Sand People," you stated so yourself.:ban::ban2::ban:

Oh my. Aren't you funny. I took sand people to be people from the middle east and it is very true that 19 guys controlled from a cave in Afghanistan could never pull off what happened in the picture. I'm not nor have ever been a racist. I actually have a few middle eastern friends. They are not bad people. Sure there are small groups of extremists like there are groups of white extremists ie StormFront.org

Please stop trying to get me banned because you don't like the topic.

We know free speech is dying in America but hopefully freeones will still be free for a while.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Sounds like the typical white apologist, "I have a few (insert ethnic group) friends," backtracking when they've been called out on their racist point of view.
People controlled from a cave in Afghanistan could never pull that off.


First of all, their leader was better educated and infinitely more intelligent than George Bush.
The plan was actually quite simple. It's indelibly cinematic outcome doesn't alter that fact.
With the most basic flight training anyone could steer an airplane into a gigantic building. Good grief it's not an act that requires a Rhodes Scholarship :1orglaugh

As aggravating as you can be, I always end up feeling sorry for your ilk. It must be terrible to feel so internally chaotic, so out of control, that even whacked out, thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories are embraced as a palliative.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I love it but it's more full of holes than swiss cheese.
Sounds like the typical white apologist, "I have a few (insert ethnic group) friends," backtracking when they've been called out on their racist point of view.

It was a line I first heard in the 60s from as you say white racial apologists.
"Some of my best friends are black" or the one you even see here occasionally like "I would have sex with a minority" ( like that somehow would prove you have no biases,which of course it doesn't).

As to this loose change BS, as someone who lives within an hour of NYC I can tell you all this conspiracy crap is just that CRAP!!!

To the canadian who started the thread, I say stick to dog sledding or hockey or something else you actually have some knowledge on.:1orglaugh
I was PM'd that there is always going to be the same small group of people on this forum that will always try shit on anything controversial posted in this forum. The person told me theyve been around a long time on the forum and its always the same small group stifling controversial issues. Hey guys be my guest. Don't watch any of the videos and just name call.

But many others who are real people and who know there is something very wrong with the official government 9/11 story will look at the evidence. You think you will stop curious people from watching the videos with your tactics? Sorry. Try again.

Most people know there are plenty of people paid to post on forums like this to sway opinions on controversial issues. The government even admits to paid propaganda in cyber space. The Pentagon has a budget for it. I know it's pathetic but they do it.
well, im not sure if im one of these guys who tries to cause shit in controversial subjects since even though ive been here since 04, ive only really started raising my post counts in the last year maybe.

but i have watched the "documentary" and its sequel. a few times actually. and i still call bs.


its old, but ive read PM since i was a kid. they always hit their target because they know who to call on and how to look at things.
well, im not sure if im one of these guys who tries to cause shit in controversial subjects since even though ive been here since 04, ive only really started raising my post counts in the last year maybe.

but i have watched the "documentary" and its sequel. a few times actually. and i still call bs.


its old, but ive read PM since i was a kid. they always hit their target because they know who to call on and how to look at things.

Please don't tell me your dragging out this debunked old Popular Mechanics yellow journalism article! Do you know the magazine had almost a complete personnel change just before work began on this disinfo article. They needed to get rid of all the honest people.
I was PM'd that there is always going to be the same small group of people on this forum that will always try shit on anything controversial posted in this forum. The person told me theyve been around a long time on the forum and its always the same small group stifling controversial issues.

Yes. Damn us for being realists. How dare we! :)

Hey guys be my guest. Don't watch any of the videos and just name call.

I've watched and researched them all extensively....going all the way back to the original Loose Change....and I'm a cynic by nature...but there's simply no substance to any of them.

Most people know there are plenty of people paid to post on forums like this to sway opinions on controversial issues. The government even admits to paid propaganda in cyber space. The Pentagon has a budget for it. I know it's pathetic but they do it.

Riiiight, like the government is going to pay someone to shill for them on a tiny little chat board in the back room of a porn site where most of the threads are about masturbation :1orglaugh
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