Wasn't Flynn the guy who interupted the press briefing back in Feb/March to tell everyone that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism and they are now officially on Double Secret Probation?
Give me a minute to read that CNN article
Ok, So all of a sudden Flyn comes out and says he lied to the FBI about "
clearest picture yet of coordination between Flynn and other Trump advisers in their contact with Russian officials to influence international policy".
So a year of Russia Russia Russia with no evidence of anything illegal or even a clear description of exactly what the hell they are talking about and now this.
It takes Flynn to "spill the beans"
Its all a show everyone.
Fake news within Fake News.
"All the world's a stage a they are merely douchebags"
Traitorous Corrupted Criminal douchebags.
You all want to follow it thats cool. Keep up on things.
Nuttin wrong with that.
Just don't for a minute thing that its all not scripted........because it is.