DOJ Warned Trump Admin about Flynn Call with Russia

I am beginning to think there is a Russian-Trump embarrassing connection that needs cover and Flynn is the fall guy and Flynn is connected also probably. It will take time for it to come out.
A whole lot of exuse making going on here. Oh the humanity.

BC has become a human pretzel. There's no way he won't twist or contort himself in servitude to his idiot messiah. The kind of idiot that will sit in a room full of sheriffs and tell them that the murder rate is the highest it's been in 47 years when that's easily disprovable, or tweet that god stopped the rain on his inauguration day after it literally rained on his inauguration day. But a couple of liberal senators referencing a fake twitter account is the real failure.

What do you say about drumpf's lie to protect flynn, pretzel boy? He claimed he had no knowledge of any of this on Feb 10, the his minister of truth said he'd been briefed on it late January. I'm sure you have some more lies to add to the pile.

This administration is defined by lies, disasters, and failures, and it hasn't even been a month yet!
BC has become a human pretzel. There's no way he won't twist or contort himself in servitude to his idiot messiah. The kind of idiot that will sit in a room full of sheriffs and tell them that the murder rate is the highest it's been in 47 years when that's easily disprovable, or tweet that god stopped the rain on his inauguration day after it literally rained on his inauguration day. But a couple of liberal senators referencing a fake twitter account is the real failure.

What do you say about drumpf's lie to protect flynn, pretzel boy? He claimed he had no knowledge of any of this on Feb 10, the his minister of truth said he'd been briefed on it late January. I'm sure you have some more lies to add to the pile.

This administration is defined by lies, disasters, and failures, and it hasn't even been a month yet!
"Minister of truth"


After Jay Carney and David Axelrod and Josh Earnest, now it's the minister of truth


" A couple of liberal Senators"

They are members of the house of representatives..
The people that are going to jail are from the Obama adminstration, not the Trump administration .

Belee dat.

Obamacare is imploding as I type this,

That rollout was a thing of beauty wasn't it?

The EPA Silverton river disaster

You can keep your plan if you like it

Lois Lerner and her amazing internet.

A video was the reason for the Benghazi attack.

Cash for clunkers

But Trump is a disaster.

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I don't even get mad at your posts anymore.

I simply feel sorry for you.

Be careful what you ask for libs.

Andrew McCarthy just confirmed that Loretta Lynch sought a FISA court order to wiretap Trump back in June. The order was denied.

The FBI hacked his server at Trump Tower on orders from Lynch looking for Russian connections.

They found nothing

They then decided to eavesdrop on Conway, Bannon. Chris Christie and Flynn.

Jeff Sessions is now AG. A grand jury is going to be impaneled and indictments are going to be handed down.

Flynn's 4th amendment rights have been violated.

6 months from now we may be talking about Barack Obama's orders and Valerie Jarrett.

I am never wrong about this sort of thing.

This is a huge scandal brewing. The election tampering wasn't the Russians. The tampering and influence was the Obama administration

Hot fucking damn!
I do hope this comes back and bites them in the ass in a major way. Then maybe the fact that they are a conquered party will finally sink in. I doubt it. They are in full resist mode. Fucking idiots.

I do enjoy hearing the lamentations of their so-called women though.

So let me get this straight. The man who came into office declaring "drain the swamp" and at war with the intelligence agencies is now whining that Washington is out to get him? What the fuck did you think they were going to do? Three words: Washington. Always. Wins. You find a way to work with the press and get them on your side or else you get demolished. And when it comes to the intelligences agencies, good luck with that. No president has ever taken on the CIA and come out the winner. Take on the CIA at your own peril because they almost always will have dirt on you. Trump is king of the snowflakes. Can dish it out, but can't take it
I do hope this comes back and bites them in the ass in a major way. Then maybe the fact that they are a conquered party will finally sink in. I doubt it. They are in full resist mode. Fucking idiots.

I do enjoy hearing the lamentations of their so-called women though.

Sad lonely people.
Flynn's 4th amendment rights have been violated.

How so? As Russia's lead envoy in Washington Kislyak's communications were routinely monitored by the FBI. As a veteran intelligence officer one would think Flynn would have to have been aware of this.
Flynn's 4th amendment rights have been violated.

Nope. You are aware that calls involving certain Russian diplomats are routinely monitored as a matter of routine? Flynn was not the the target of the taps and the fact that his identity was revealed is totally legal under FISA. It makes me feel better to know that the intel community is doing their job
How so? As Russia's lead envoy in Washington Kislyak's communications were routinely monitored by the FBI. As a veteran intelligence officer one would think Flynn would have to have been aware of this.

Nope. You are aware that calls involving certain Russian diplomats are routinely monitored as a matter of routine? Flynn was not the the target of the taps and the fact that his identity was revealed is totally legal under FISA. It makes me feel better to know that the intel community is doing their job
You don't know what you are talking about.
First, you are fucking nuts if you think Flynn's identity being released through leaks are totally legal. There are restrictions set by FISC and one is you don't reveal classified information to the public, much less through leaks. Does the Espionage Act ring a bell?

Moreover, when U.S. citizens are involved in communications with foreign nationals every effort is made to keep their identities private. Identities are only revealed if charges are brought forth or indictments are handed down or their identity is relevant to the case or they are a witness or expert witness.

Do you really believe that the only time that Flynn's calls were intercepted were during conversations with the Russian ambassador? His 4th amendment rights were violated.

I am not in the least bit concerned that anyone in the Trump administration has broken the law unless Flynn gave false and misleading statements to the FBI.
They gave him a visit at the direction of Sally Yates in an attempt to set him up.
There is no indication that he lied to them

Again, the fact that Flynn's identity was leaked is in VIOLATION of FISC.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
So let me get this straight. The man who came into office declaring "drain the swamp" and at war with the intelligence agencies is now whining that Washington is out to get him? What the fuck did you think they were going to do? Three words: Washington. Always. Wins. You find a way to work with the press and get them on your side or else you get demolished. And when it comes to the intelligences agencies, good luck with that. No president has ever taken on the CIA and come out the winner. Take on the CIA at your own peril because they almost always will have dirt on you. Trump is king of the snowflakes. Can dish it out, but can't take it

This right here is all anyone needs to know. I've said it many times these people are UNTOUCHABLE.
Poor Sally Yates..her little plan backfired..

As I said when Flynn resigned. He's an intelligence officer, he knew his call was probably being intercepted, he never promised anything or discussed anything other than a future review.

Roll up your sleeves libs.

You gotta do better than this to get Trump.

It is time for Mike Pompeo to start polygraphs of the departments.

CIA operatives don't like going to jail. This shit was ordered by the Obama adminstration and likely Lynch's office.

People eventually will talk.

Obama planned on running his shadow presidency with the aid of loyal apparatchiks within the intelligence community.

Pompeo is going to blow the lid off of them.

The deep state is in deep shit.
Poor Sally Yates..her little plan backfired..

As I said when Flynn resigned. He's an intelligence officer, he knew his call was probably being intercepted, he never promised anything or discussed anything other than a future review.

Roll up your sleeves libs.

You gotta do better than this to get Trump.

It is time for Mike Pompeo to start polygraphs of the departments.

CIA operatives don't like going to jail. This shit was ordered by the Obama adminstration and likely Lynch's office.

People eventually will talk.

Obama planned on running his shadow presidency with the aid of loyal apparatchiks within the intelligence community.

Pompeo is going to blow the lid off of them.

The deep state is in deep shit.

They let the bankers go they will let anyone else go.
Moreover, when U.S. citizens are involved in communications with foreign nationals every effort is made to keep their identities private. Identities are only revealed if charges are brought forth or indictments are handed down or their identity is relevant to the case or they are a witness or expert witness.

Nope. You're talking about minimization procedures, which the intel services operate under FISA. The sharing of Flynn's name is allowed under the existing minimization rules. The name of a U.S person can be used when it's necessary to understand the foreign intel in a report. No serous argument can be made that Flynn's ID was not necessary to understand the intel significance of his call with the Russian. His call with the ambassador was foreign intel info mainly because it involved Flynn

1-meets the statutory definition of “foreign intelligence,” 2-is necessary to understand foreign intelligence, or 3-is evidence of a crime. US person information that falls into one of these does not have to be masked
Nope. You're talking about minimization procedures, which the intel services operate under FISA. The sharing of Flynn's name is allowed under the existing minimization rules. The name of a U.S person can be used when it's necessary to understand the foreign intel in a report. No serous argument can be made that Flynn's ID was not necessary to understand the intel significance of his call with the Russian. His call with the ambassador was foreign intel info mainly because it involved Flynn

1-meets the statutory definition of “foreign intelligence,” 2-is necessary to understand foreign intelligence, or 3-is evidence of a crime. US person information that falls into one of these does not have to be masked

Stop looking up shit thinking you are accurate.
You're not.
Minimization procedure applies to official duty. You can read all you want about the law but that is why some of us actually went to law school so we actually learn procedure.

Officials are allowed to share identity within conducting an investigation or prosecution. With those such as government or state agencies or officials that should be made privy to the information or identity.

The unwritten rule is they usually DO NOT identify them. There are rare acceptions.

The one thing that is a violation of FISC minimization rules is sharing it with the press.

Which is what is at the core of all of this.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Democracy Now! had an interesting interview with Glenn Greenwald on this today.

If a publication knowingly received and publishes classified material the first amendment would not protect any more than if they commit libel or knowingly published libelous information. And the first amendment in no way could be invoked as a defense for receiving classified materials.