You were wrong about Obamacare. You were wrong about "republicans nominating the one candidate who would lose to Hillary."
shut the fuck up.
Really fox? Neg rep
and a recommendation that I kill myself? It must really hurt your pussy when someone stands up to your boyfriend, you poor poor precious snowflake.
Who was wrong about Obamacare? It's still a thousand times better than what you had, and what republicans are going to come up with. If your side had stayed out of the way
You Might have had a real universal healthcare system like a first world country.
I will concede that I didn't think any republican candidate was electable, guess I underestimated the stupidity of Americans. Now you all have to deal with the humiliation of calling that idiot president, at least until he crumbles from having his disastrous stupidity pointed out to him constantly. You know he was a joke before he got into politics, right? This isn't a democrats versus republicans thing, drumpf was the fodder of many jokes long before he ever dreamed of getting into politics, and you dickheads made him the leader of your party, and now your country.
But I suspect a lot of you know that, hence all the butthurt and hypersensitivity. You just have to sit there and love him while he shits in his hands and flings it at the walls. Or turn yourself into a pretzel, like your boyfriend, trying to defend him.