When people overuse words or phrases that they don't mean. Such as 'lol', or refering to everything they like as 'amazing' or 'genius', no matter how minor it is.
"I had a sandwich and it was amazing".
Really? Amazing? You were amazed by a sandwich? Jesus fucking Christ, if you're already up to 'amazing' now, then where do you have left to go? You set the bar too high already. Your life is gonna suck from now on.
These are the same people who are completely jaded and unimpressed with all the technology today - however they claim to be amazed by a sandwich.
This younger generation is the most jaded generation yet, however they claim to be 'amazed' by so many things - while saying it in that snobby piss tone
Actually, comedian Louis C.K. has made a great point about this - and I wish I could find a youtube clip.