little black book of tricks

ok guys heres my situation. i just started seein a girl reciently and ended up takin the v card. go me. whatever. the issue im havin is she is 18, gunna b 19 on monday, and from what she tells me shes never even tried to "do it herself" and ive done all the rubbin and lickin and screwin i can since and i dont know and cant tell whatsoever if im gettin anywhere as far as makin her cum. i wanna please her bad but i ask her what she likes and wants/needs me to do to help her along and she flat out says she has no idea. any tips on things to try together or anything like that?
ok im hopin this bump will get some advice rollin in. so here goes....


what the fuck you lookin at?
she's soon to be 19 and doesn't know if she's cumming or how to get herself off? WTF? Is she a nun?
It's pretty simple, if it feels good, do it, if not, try something else. And she's probably lying about never having flicked her bean anyway.
well truth be told she is still in highschool, a senior, and she attends a very strict religious school. from what i hear from friends of hers, less than a year ago she would cringe at the sound of someone cussing. i believe it too cause she avoids swearing like the plague and the few times ive heard her do it she whispers the word like shes embarrassed to say it. yeah shes a noob at the whole sex thing and like i said, i just wanna show her this whole new world that everyone else has been livin in for the longest time the best way i possibly can.

Will E Worm

well truth be told she is still in highschool, a senior, and she attends a very strict religious school.

Sounds like a hypocrite to me. I doubt she was a virgin.

She needs to either follow her religion or stop going.

She can't have it both ways.

Maybe, you should tell her parents. :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
well truth be told she is still in highschool, a senior, and she attends a very strict religious school. from what i hear from friends of hers, less than a year ago she would cringe at the sound of someone cussing. i believe it too cause she avoids swearing like the plague and the few times ive heard her do it she whispers the word like shes embarrassed to say it. yeah shes a noob at the whole sex thing and like i said, i just wanna show her this whole new world that everyone else has been livin in for the longest time the best way i possibly can.

She sounds like my ex. Right down to the cussing thing. She was 17 when I met her. fairly inexperienced in sex. 4 years later after I taught her all sorts of new tricks and gave her mind blowing orgasms she never thought possible...she goes and cheats on me. Go figure. So be careful when you open Pandora's box...pun intended :D


Hiliary 2020
My brain is overflowing with possible puns,jokes and sarcastic responses.

I'm trying to come up with some real useful advice but I can't.
The sarcastic responses are kicking out the useful advices before that have a chance to develope into complete sentences.
Its like a war in my brain.
I'm in a tizzy.

Ok.......breathe, regroup, ok.
Have you tried licking her clit?
take it slow. make sure the envirnoment is conducive (lights/music/smells/privacy she likes). foreplay is essential. start the evening by doing something special. don't force or hurry anything. use your tongue on her lightly. supplement with lots of touching and light talking. make her feel special starting with her mind.
yeah i hear ya on that legz.... she and i have been intimate maybe...... shit 10 times tops, and now the ol sayin has really come shinin thru. once u pop the fun dont stop. i noticed the last 6 times i seen her we met hung out in front of the tv for a while n got down to business, so i told her that i wanted to have a night of us just doin stuff together, sex uninvolved, cause i dont want us to b JUST about that. well it all goes well for the evening untill we end up at her rents house n we r layin on the couch watchin a movie in the livin room. next thing i kno shes beggin to go for a ride in the car...... im hopin it dont happen but i do kinda c the potential for her to pull one of them stunts on me too..... eh whatever if its gunna happen its gunnna happen either way.......
This is my favourite part -

"ive done all the rubbin and lickin and screwin i can since " for a girl with a strict religious back ground and who is so embarassed to utter a swear word, she's awfully enthusiastic for you to get between her legs.
yep of course ive done the clit lickin..... again this is all just what shes tellin me, but she says im the first n only guy to ever do that for her. yeah i go slow, we spend time together, talk, i hold her hand n treat her special, show all teh gentle foreplay affection i can, but once i touch her anywhere below the belt she instantly starts this akward flopping of her body like a fish flappin its tail and doin an overly faked moan like shes tryin tooo hard to do what she thinks shes supposed to do..... ive tried talkin to her n tellin her to just relax and let whatever happens happen n just go with what feels natural, and she still seems to b just plain tryin too hard.......
for a girl with a strict religious back ground and who is so embarassed to utter a swear word, she's awfully enthusiastic for you to get between her legs

arent all girls who lose their v card to someone like that right afterwards tho?
i mean its a whole new world to them and i know for a fact taht most girls value their virginity above pretty much anything else so once they give it up they tend to latch onto the poor fella taht took it till lifes end......
Remember one phrase and you have to analize (I mean analize not Anal-lize). People is not what they say, they are what they hide....
yeah kinda exaggerated on that description there but i mean yall get what i was gettin at right? of course the young lady is gunna get more so attached to the guy than she will to the next and so on just cause hes the first n to her it means something. anyways back to the main point of the thread here, im just tryin to b the guy that she deserves and im wantin to make sure i do everything for her that she is doin for me, ya know?
Ok dude, try to think about sensitive light touching, and tell her what to do that way. Instead of tellin her to just jam her fingers in and rub her clit like a motherfucker, tell her to be very light and brisk. Brings a whole new sensation to it, and she will thank you for it. I would go into detail, but it means that Ill basically have to write out a direction manual, and I don't wanna give all my secrets away.

Will E Worm

yeah kinda exaggerated on that description there but i mean yall get what i was gettin at right? of course the young lady is gunna get more so attached to the guy than she will to the next and so on just cause hes the first n to her it means something. anyways back to the main point of the thread here, im just tryin to b the guy that she deserves and im wantin to make sure i do everything for her that she is doin for me, ya know?

No, we don't know what you're getting at. :rolleyes:

Are you sure you're old enough to be on this site?
Looking at your typing, I would say no.

Also, if she can't follow her "religion" why does she still attend?
Tell her parents and her pastor, that will clear everything up. :D

If a female is so attached to her first "partner" then she shouldn't have a first until she is married.
I wouldn't want to marry someone who is always thinking about someone else.