Listen Americans! Happy 4th of July!

We used to get free concerts at the festival in my town every 2nd to 5th. Well, they started charging this year at $30 a pop, and they will not even be lighting fireworks until the 4th. They used to light a big show every 2nd to the 5th. These budget cuts really blow penis.



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
We used to get free concerts at the festival in my town every 2nd to 5th. Well, they started charging this year at $30 a pop, and they will not even be lighting fireworks until the 4th. They used to light a big show every 2nd to the 5th. These budget cuts really blow penis.


Well Foghat and Little Feet have bills to pay my good man....they don't do shows for charity or free these days unless there is left over chilli from the cookoff they played at.
Well Foghat and Little Feet have bills to pay my good man....they don't do shows for charity or free these days unless there is left over chilli from the cookoff they played at.

No, the festival is (was) taxpayer funded. There is like four stages, local acts, and national acts. Atmosphere was there yesterday and today it's Sammy Hagar. Then the Counting Crows and then 311 and Offspring. It's bad enough it costs damn near $10 for a beer, and the shit is watered down 3.2 piss. But then they cut the free fireworks and the free shows. Blows. :cool:

Not to mention the heat index is like 105. The humidity is oppresive.
We, being culturally superior, might take the mickey out of you sometimes, but you're not so bad after all. Enjoy your national holiday! If you have plans or stories to share, post'em here. :)

Thank you very much!
...and of course you are culturally superior. That's because you didn't have to pick up your shit and move to the other side of the ocean. Who wouldn't get watered down? Now we have so many different cultures living here, that we don't even have an identity anymore. Yes, it's a hollow existence... :dunno:
Well, drink up. :glugglug:


Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave

It's just too bad that the direction our country has been headed since I have been alive every new 4th of July becomes just a little bit more meaningless to me. We're slowly throwing away this countries best ideals and what once made it great.

Sad but true D.


Postal Paranoiac
Why can't I be like Benjamin Franklin and have unbridled revolutionary sex with patriotic whores in a star-spangled brothel?????:(



It's just too bad that the direction our country has been headed since I have been alive every new 4th of July becomes just a little bit more meaningless to me. We're slowly throwing away this countries best ideals and what once made it great.

Talk about a Debby Downer.
Well thankfully we still live in a country where all of our flaws can still be blamed on ourselves. Even if that's a bit hard to accept.
My PTSD keeps me hiding in the bathtub, shaking with fear, covered in my own feces and urine on the 4th. Who invented fireworks, anyway?

But seriously, think about it. Think fireworks are popular in, say, the left bank?
Talk about a Debby Downer.

I like facing reality. As bad as it is it's still better than using our countries founding as an excuse to drink, make huge barbeques, or light of sparkly explosives while not really caring that much for why we celebrate the day to begin with.