Life on other planets?

Are we alone?

  • Yes, this planet is it- all life is HERE!

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • I don't even care, could go either way

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • No, the universe is too damn big, and Im too damn tiny!

    Votes: 31 88.6%

  • Total voters
For us, yes. Who's to say that there is not a species of intelligent life, maybe even light years ahead of humans, on the very edges of the universe, who have figured out how to travel at/near the speed of light, or even faster?

As for why would they bother, maybe it is like a vacation for them.....let's all go to Earth and see what those crazy, primitive beings are up to this week! Oh look, they are shooting each other and blowing things up again!

Those crazy humans! :rolleyes:

The point is that if you're going on vacation in a starship there's an awful lot of destinations to choose from.Why pick on Earth (which probably can't be detected all that way away) out of trillions of trillions of places to go?The odds are almost zero.

By the way, mass and weight are two separate and different terms.Mass is the amount of substance and weight is the force caused by gravity on an object.On the Moon your mass will be the same as on Earth but your weight will be one sixth because of a weaker gravitational field.
oh, I was thinking about that movie Frequency. Which makes me think, is the Universe justw another paralle equinox for developing the perfect paradise? Since we already have a place good enough for contraction. We need a suitable structure? Of course we do, that is why we trying to save the planet. Its' just particles, a paradigum trying to escape from a mass that continued to spin at a degree in evolution of space. Which creates blackholes and other particules. Or whatever there is to creature, that floats, and show up at any time and place. It has been quite a journy. Of course there are new finding that will soon to described as renderous. It will give a vague understanding, but we don't need to slam our foot in the door.
;2810934 said:
(Have you seen Solaris? The alien was a giant liquid-type ocean.

You know what. I've had that movie lying around my house for years and I never bothered to watch it until I read your post.

Wow. What a lump.

Probably one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. The concept was pretty cool, but I would rather watch trees grow.
You know what. I've had that movie lying around my house for years and I never bothered to watch it until I read your post.

Wow. What a lump.

Probably one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. The concept was pretty cool, but I would rather watch trees grow.

Which version have you watched? The US remake or the translated russian original version?


Closed Account
For us, yes. Who's to say that there is not a species of intelligent life, maybe even light years ahead of humans, on the very edges of the universe, who have figured out how to travel at/near the speed of light, or even faster?

As for why would they bother, maybe it is like a vacation for them.....let's all go to Earth and see what those crazy, primitive beings are up to this week! Oh look, they are shooting each other and blowing things up again!

Those crazy humans! :rolleyes:

Yes I believe there is some form of "life" out there ,but I am more than certain they have never visited us.

Why bother? Why do humas bother going to the Moon or hopefully Mars?Because intelligent life is inquisitve/curious & you don't invent machines that could travel at the speed of light if you are not intelligent/curious.

UFO's hovering earth & disappearing would be akin to Christopher Columbus dropping anchor ,observing these strange plants/animals from a distance & simply returning to Europe without going ashore.:dunno:

Those life forms just like human explorers would certainly investigate. So UFO's are certainly some other type of phenomena & not aliens visiting us.
I don't know if we are the only intelligent life in the universe or not, but I bet we are the only ones who like shoving stuff up our backdoor.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I tryed to avoid this thread but couldn't do it.

They probably do exist, but we'll never see them.

Universe is too big brah.

There is evidence that there used to be water on mars. Water = life (as we know it) I'll say there is life on other planets, just not planets in our solar system. If we ever do find intelligent life or more likly it finds us, I only hope we don't fuck up the opportunity to learn from each other. Gotta figure if they find us then they are far advanced technologically. Considering we have yet to have manned space travel beyond the moon...


Nope. :hatsoff:

If there were aliens we would have seen them by now.


Just because we haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist. Do you have any idea how many planets there are in the universe? To believe we are the only one with life on is arrogant and foolish.


what the fuck you lookin at?


Closed Account
We just might get a visit soon. I wouldn't give up. And you don't have to travel faster than light. Just open up an artificial wormhole. It is just the technology that is light years ahead of us. We would rather spend money and effort on killing ourselves at this time.
if we ever find a way to travel faster than light, then yes, we will find life on other planets...but if we travel faster than light, that means we travel through time and im guessing we use that technology for other things than space.


Closed Account
Alone in the universe?

I know we're all here on Freeones for more "earthly delights", but take a sec, and let us know if you think Earth is the only place where life exists....


Closed Account
There has to be life everywhere out there... from space ships to bacteria/viruses, life is the universe' next step to be conscious of itself..

And Jesus is just a metaphor for a higher state of being, achievable by all humans... not to be taken literally as some dude.

Bible codes??? -now there's some shit to talk about....
Think they already have searched for answers to stuff, found the codes, got the answers and aren't telling anyone? I do--...oops, off topic, srry :1orglaugh

I think half the hot chicks in porn Are aliens, btw... I mean, some of them are just so goddamn HOT!!! lol

Will E Worm

There has to be life everywhere out there... from space ships to bacteria/viruses, life is the universe' next step to be conscious of itself..

No. :tongue:

And Jesus is just a metaphor for a higher state of being, achievable by all humans.

That is impposible. No human will ever be a "god."

The whole cannot be greater than the sum of its parts. :hatsoff: