Politics Test (a Very Good/Accurate/Detailed One)
1-dimensional thinking is rather bland. Not only are their more than 2 sides to a story, but sometimes the 2 sides argue against each other so much, they lose total track of the original problem. This is the major issue with the Democrat and Republican parties right now in the US -- and why both are having major identity issues.
About the only thing I like about the US system, which saves it from becoming either a socialist or a tolitarian state, is that the Legislative and Executive branches can be from different parties. A gift from our founders, and it works quite well at times. Most would agree that a Republican US Congress and a Democrat US President has produced some excellent results -- more conservative spending combined with a no non-sense executive. And God knows the best thing the Republicans gave Clinton was the line item veto (but why won't the Republicans do the same with W.?).
I agree about 20% with the US Democrats, 40% with the US Republicans and 80% with the US Libertarian party. In the screwed up US terminology, a Libertarian is a Social Liberal (Democrat-like on freedoms) and Fiscal Conservative (Republican-like on financial). Of course, there are quite a number of exceptions to the rule -- as both Clinton and W. have shown. They both sport features of thei opposing party.
In fact, and quite hypocritically, I really think a two-faced, unprincipled (in his business ventures, I could care less about his personal life) individual like Clinton was an ideal President -- promising liberal social and welfare programs in the public, while turning around and supporting most of the terms of the Contract with America (all parts except the Balanced Budget Amendment) that radically cut spending. The problem with W. is that he says something, and then does it, and that is causing him to spend more on social and pork than anyone (even more than Reagan with the Democrat Congress) -- especially as an "appeasement" for defense increases.
But that all aside, one of the better "political tests" I've seen is here:
Of which, here are my results ... 75% Social Liberal, 83% Economic Conservative
I guess it didn't come through in the code, but I like the part when it said I was extremely well behaved and I knew "right from wrong."
I hope everyone can appreciate I'm not only almost equal-distant from a Democrat and the Capitalist-Republican (closer to Capitalist than Democrat, closer to Democrat than Republican), but actually on the opposite side of Totalitarian (of which, both of which share borders with Democrats and Republicans) and far enough away from Centrist so I still think "too far outside the box" for many people.
Now some might label me as a border-line Anarchist, I would say I'm still a little ways from that. But yes, I believe that if everyone knows right from wrong, we can do great things, without dipping into Anarchy. That's why I don't really have much faith in organized religion, because it's largely geared towards those who don't realize the obviousness of the truth of how to make yourself better, which results in a better world. It's also why I don't believe I should rely on the government to help people, which only builds new, inefficient agencies, and would rather see politicians lead by reaching into their own pockets -- which would inspire others to do the same.
As I always say, the best leader would be a Libertarian, borderline Anarchist, who is a complete saint in both his personal and professional lives. Until then, it seems an unscrupulous "do as I say not do as I do" individual, ironically enough, makes the best -- at least Clinton did. Probably my personal favorite of Clinton, which most people blame on W. but it was Clinton, was the Kyoto Treaty. It was shot down 0-98 in the US Senate (including virtually every single member of Clinton's own party -- not a single one voted for it!) during the Clinton administration -- something the Clinton administration knew full well wouldn't pass the US Congress until it was equally enforced on China (something W. is now demonized on). Clinton often agreed to many things only because he knew they would never pass the US Congress -- but made him look good.