I think hedgehog brings up good points. I think in some sense, where that says you are on the spectrum can be a little misleading. It just simplifies too much something that is too complex to put on a chart like that. I think part of the reason is the fact that it is hard to tell what the definitions of things like conservative and liberal mean anymore. Sometimes I think it is just a name they give themselves to oppose the other side. It seems like both sides go against what you think they would normally do in a situation based on their political spot on the spectrum. Is a conservative somebody that just resents change, upholds the laws in a more ‘letter of the law’ sort of way or what? Maybe at one time they did, but they seem to be just as eager to warp past views to their own benefit as the liberals are. Today conservative can seem a bit Orwellian, and it seems that they would be the ones on the front lines protecting peoples right, at least in a society that was founded on the deeply held principles everybody held for civil liberties at it’s inception. The term liberal can be confusing also. The nature of liberalness would seem to create greater freedom, yet again I find when it suits them they can clamp down on things they don’t like just as fast as the conservatives can. Especially in the courts, they have seemed to be the masters at twisting written law to suit some immediate purpose they want to accomplish no matter how far it is from the people that wrote it’s intent. Which might be part of liberalness, but that definitely doesn’t mean they are protecting your rights when they do it so. Liberal to me doesn’t equal more freedoms. It seems we are going towards two competing oligarchies that just have ties to different competing power groups than a clash of actual political philosophies.
I was rated as a strong Democrat or almost socialist and personally I don’t see myself that way. In some ways I am very conservative, if that has a true definition anymore. I have always seen myself as a staunch independent. There is a saying that if you stuck one foot in hot coals and the other you incased in ice then by the law of averages you would be fine. That sums up some of my views on my position and why I consider myself an independent and not a centralist or a democrat/socialist. On some issues I may lean heavily to one side or the other. I always base my decision basses on what I think is best and not some ideological position.
I also think it is important to keep in mind that when concepts such as these where being formulated that economics as we know it didn’t even remotely exist as it does now. I think the economy adds a whole new and different element to the world we live in now. We are not some agricultural society anymore; we have things like super large corporations, vast international trade, and a stock market. I think some of the libertarians and capitalist of yesteryear would think many of the things we let go on now to be pretty stupid. Back then there was nothing like modern medicine either, (otherwise in my opinion it would have probably been considered a human right) and with the exception of the super rich the difference between the abject poor and the middle class and even some of the more well of to do people wasn’t as great as it is today. In a lot of cases everybody lived a hard life and everybody was probably going to die young. Now we have the poor that have to look on at people that are richer than God while living only a short distance away from them.
I should say that I am not against people getting rich, not at all. I just want to see a society where the wealth is distributed not equally, but more justly and by how much people deserve. It seems like we are getting to a point where we are arbitrarily choosing winners and losers in life by the time people are born, unless they luck out somehow. Of course the people at the top are the ones choosing the winners. They are also choosing how our society is run on the social scale also. Saying it is a big conflict of interest would be an understatement. In a society where there isn’t enough to go around and everybody has to go without is one thing. When you have people that have nothing through no fault of their own looking in on the other side of the glass at people that not only have everything, but also thousands of times more than they will ever need is something different. It starts to breed hatred and contempt in people. Thus that is why you have conflicts between the haves and the have-nots.
I was rated as a strong Democrat or almost socialist and personally I don’t see myself that way. In some ways I am very conservative, if that has a true definition anymore. I have always seen myself as a staunch independent. There is a saying that if you stuck one foot in hot coals and the other you incased in ice then by the law of averages you would be fine. That sums up some of my views on my position and why I consider myself an independent and not a centralist or a democrat/socialist. On some issues I may lean heavily to one side or the other. I always base my decision basses on what I think is best and not some ideological position.
I also think it is important to keep in mind that when concepts such as these where being formulated that economics as we know it didn’t even remotely exist as it does now. I think the economy adds a whole new and different element to the world we live in now. We are not some agricultural society anymore; we have things like super large corporations, vast international trade, and a stock market. I think some of the libertarians and capitalist of yesteryear would think many of the things we let go on now to be pretty stupid. Back then there was nothing like modern medicine either, (otherwise in my opinion it would have probably been considered a human right) and with the exception of the super rich the difference between the abject poor and the middle class and even some of the more well of to do people wasn’t as great as it is today. In a lot of cases everybody lived a hard life and everybody was probably going to die young. Now we have the poor that have to look on at people that are richer than God while living only a short distance away from them.
I should say that I am not against people getting rich, not at all. I just want to see a society where the wealth is distributed not equally, but more justly and by how much people deserve. It seems like we are getting to a point where we are arbitrarily choosing winners and losers in life by the time people are born, unless they luck out somehow. Of course the people at the top are the ones choosing the winners. They are also choosing how our society is run on the social scale also. Saying it is a big conflict of interest would be an understatement. In a society where there isn’t enough to go around and everybody has to go without is one thing. When you have people that have nothing through no fault of their own looking in on the other side of the glass at people that not only have everything, but also thousands of times more than they will ever need is something different. It starts to breed hatred and contempt in people. Thus that is why you have conflicts between the haves and the have-nots.
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