There's no doubting the people who did it are assholes who need to be locked up, or that she was sexually assaulted and beaten, brutally.
There's also no doubt that there are serious issues Egyptian in society and a lot of followers of Islam have serious issues related to the modern world. (Possibly this has more to do with lack of education and economic opportunity, but that's another debate.)
Nonetheless, the use of rape in the headline remains inflammatory. The original CBS headline:
"CBS News' Lara Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests
CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Separated From Her Crew And Brutally Assaulted on Day Mubarak Stepped Down"
The usage of rape related to this story comes entirely from re-posters and is designed to fuel anti-Arab and anti-Islamic sentiment.
In all likelihood, it will be some time before we know exactly what happened.
I recognize that Shot was merely re-posting what had been widely posted prior, and in fact, it took a little work to find the original story from the source. I wasn't meaning to attack him, merely point that out.