L.A. Police done it again and caught on tape !

True, remember the riots that happened after Rodney King was beaten by cops, L.A was in a big chaos.

big time bud!:thumbsup:

i was ten and scared off my ass. i hope to whoever will listen that it doesnt happen again. even though i dont know the whole story, these cops have to be fired. if only to avoid a riot. no public trial. just fire them. it has to be done.
big time bud!:thumbsup:

i was ten and scared off my ass. i hope to whoever will listen that it doesnt happen again. even though i dont know the whole story, these cops have to be fired. if only to avoid a riot. no public trial. just fire them. it has to be done.
YOU WERE 10?!?!?!?!:eek: Holy crap I'm old! LMAO
YOU WERE 10?!?!?!?!:eek: Holy crap I'm old! LMAO

1991. i remember vividly. only once since then have i been as scared. that was my first slayer concert. but not be joking, i didnt even want to go to school. i cried and put up a tantrum. my mom had to force me.
It's funny how quick we all are to judge,

Did anyone bother to think why they only showed 19 sec of the clip?

Anyone bother to ask what the hell happened to spur this on before the tape was cut on?

I guess not.

With all of the insults said here so far I can't help but wonder who you will call the next time a mugger has held a gun in your face or someone breaks into your home and violates the sanctity of your home :dunno:

It doesn't matter what the guy did before! You can't do that!! The cops had him safe... Assholes!:mad:


Retired Moderator
So seraphiM how exactly does the law work in regards to people breaking into your home. Are you infact allowed to shoot them, per self-defense, or what? I heard if you shoot them in the back it's murder but if you shot them in the front it's self-defense! Anyway that's what I'd do to answer your question!

As long as you can convince 12 people that you felt your life was endanger you'll have no problem.

I personally have never heard of a case that involved the prosecution of a homeowner (when it came to stranger v stranger encounters).

It doesn't matter what the guy did before! You can't do that!! The cops had him safe... Assholes!:mad:


How can you say it doesn't matter?

That's right, I forgot.

When was the last time you physically tried to force someone to do something they didn't want to do?

Why was he still resisting?

Another person would have given up his hands and complied.

Just because he said he couldn't breath, does that mean he couldn't? (It stands to reason that if you can speak you can breath)

Or was he playing up to the camera? Is that so unheard of?

Neither one of us has all of the facts in this case.

I'm not saying Police Brutality doesn't happen, hell this is the same world where priests molest young boys!

What I am saying is that just because we see police officers getting physical with a suspect, that doesn't mean it wasn't justifiable in the eyes of the law.

Most people don't want the police around and could careless when one gets hurt or killed on the job.

They only want police officers when they need them.

When their homes get burglarized, or loved ones are raped or robbed.

They they all look for the boys in blue.

I wonder if you will call on the same "Assholes" when your ass is on the line?

In the biggest case of hypocrisy,

I know 911 is the first number you'll dial!
From watching that video, it looks like the two police officers are sitting on top of that guy, and he is lying pretty still. I have no idea of what he had done or if he said something, but I saw no struggling before one of the officers started punching him in the face.

To me it looked like police brutality. I saw no reason for repeatedly punching him. That looked more like a regular beating instead of someone trying to pacify a person. To me it looked more like he was trying to hurt that guy, which it often is when people start punching someone in the face like that, instead of simply holding them still or locking their arms or something.

Even if the guy on the ground is some criminal scum who deserve a beating, it's not for the police to start punishing him like that.

But yeah, that was just a short video. We can just hope that there will be a fair and thorough investigation of the incident.
even though i dont know the whole story, these cops have to be fired.

That was easily just as ignorant a statement as the one made by your friend that you were ragging on just a few posts up.

Just because he said he couldn't breath, does that mean he couldn't? (It stands to reason that if you can speak you can breath)

He was speaking pretty clearly for someone who couldn't breathe wasn't he? lol


Closed Account
Walk in their shoes my friends. If you look at the video close , he was struggling and wouldn’t stop moving. See my above post for my feelings on that. They were having a hard time getting his hands, he kept taking them to his side and I feel the cracks to the head was only a effort to get control. They don't know whats in his pocket or if he is a serious threat or a lightweight, only that he won't let them handcuff him.

He should have laid still, they couldn’t let his hands get to his sides or to the ground to get leverage. Most men can toss another man off their back if they care to. Sitting on him amounts to shit in a situation like that. I have seen bodies tossed like rag dolls by someone on PCP. Six officers couldn’t bring that creep down hardly. In a shopping center parking lot, middle of the day and people all around.. even children. They would get him down and he would toss them like rag dolls then get right back on his feet. They were taking a beating, then they pulled sticks and took control. Barely. I felt then that they waited to long to stomp his ass, they all had injuries.

Please look at these also. SEE what happens in different situations. They NEVER know what they are walking into. Yet you think they (police) present overkill? Again I say to you, walk in their shoes and don’t judge on a short video clip. These officers “have” to act in their and the public's best interests in a moments notice. It can’t be easy. IMHO of course.



Walk in their shoes my friends. If you look at the video close , he was struggling and wouldn’t stop moving. See my above post for my feelings on that. They were having a hard time getting his hands, he kept taking them to his side and I feel the cracks to the head was only a effort to get control. They don't know whats in his pocket or if he is a serious threat or a lightweight, only that he won't let them handcuff him.
I had a hard time hearing exactly what's being said, and again we don't know what happened before, but that guy wasn't moving his hands before the police officer started hitting him. Look at the pose of that officer. Sitting on top of that guy with his other hand at his side. He doesn't look like he's struggling to keep him down. The struggle starts when he begins to hit him.


Closed Account
I will give the benefit of the doubt because I am fair. Doesn't change the bottom line though. If thats what you and some others see, so be it. Maybe I am wrong in that respect. Could be in those few (very few) seconds the guy at the head didn't realize the guy on the back had gained control. Again I say, in that moment those officers did not know what they were up against. They must think on their feet and their decisions are life and death at times. Again I say, it can't be easy.

It was however not a horrible beating and my final comment on the subject is simply this. If people don't want to get "hit" by the big bad officers, don't break the law and put yourself in that position. Its not rocket science.

Back in 95" I was at a after hours joint with some friends and my ex-husband, still upstairs (action in the basement) and there only to pick someone up, it was raided. Some blackjack and drinks the only crimes there, but against the law none the less. We weren't arrested because we were still upstairs in the living room. The officer dumped my purse on the floor went through my things, tore the lining in my coat (by accident) but it still pissed me off. I was no criminal. I went home livid, calling them everything but human. Called my mom the next day and told her and she said I had nerve. "Had you not been there, none of it would have happened. They have to protect themselves they don't know you." That has always stuck in my head. She was right, I could have had a weapon, drugs or anything..he didn't know me. Had I jerked my purse back, fought him in any way he would have had ever right to be rough with me to stop me. ;)

Anyhow, thats just my view.

you want them to walk on this? how about a slap on the wrist? that one cop, at least should get a lengthy suspension.

I want to know the whole story before I say that either of these guys lives should be ruinned. It's a dirty job. Sometimes it's not pretty to watch. Am I going to give two police officers the bennefit of the doubt over a known gang member before, and until a complete investigation takes place? You better fucking believe it!
the guy at the head didn't realize the guy on the back had gained control.

I'm not flaming you by any means here Lady Love, I'm just using this part of your statement as an example because many people seem to think the guy was being compliant, and controlled simply because he was on the ground. However, when have you ever heard a cop tell someone to lay down on their back? Never, because they don't do that. If the guy had complied, he would have been on his stomache. He was on his back to make it more difficult for the officers to cuff him, and so he could continue to resist by pushing the officers' hands away, which you can clearly see him trying to do. Secondly, a person isn't under control until they are actually handcuffec. It's that simple. Until then, they are still capable of doing things to resist, or injur people.
I'm not flaming you by any means here Lady Love, I'm just using this part of your statement as an example because many people seem to think the guy was being compliant, and controlled simply because he was on the ground. However, when have you ever heard a cop tell someone to lay down on their back? Never, because they don't do that. If the guy had complied, he would have been on his stomache. He was on his back to make it more difficult for the officers to cuff him, and so he could continue to resist by pushing the officers' hands away, which you can clearly see him trying to do. Secondly, a person isn't under control until they are actually handcuffec. It's that simple. Until then, they are still capable of doing things to resist, or injur people.
I still do not see that. I see him on his back, with a knee across his throat/chest. One officer is holding down his one wrist, and then he apparantly effortlessly switches hands so he can hit that guy. I don't see that guy as struggling in any way. He tries to get his hands up in front of him to fend off the punchess. He quite possibly have in some way resisted earlier. We can't know how much and how violently though.
Still, in that moment that we see in the video. From the seconds before the punches begin, I don't see him struggling against those two officers. I don't see those two police officers have much problems with him. They are only holding him with one hand each. Doesn't look like much struggle that they couldn't handle.

To me this really doesn't look like police work. It looks like a common beating. Police officers aren't supposed to sit on top of people and punch them repeatedly in the face. That's not the right way for them to pacify someone.


Closed Account
Has anyone taken into account that "none" of us know the whole story? What the circumstances were, who else was around? We are talking a gang member here, they don't often travel alone. Was the whole scene secure? Were there other officers on scene? Other gang members near by? Civilians possibly in danger? Why did he end up on the ground anyway? I guess he put his hands out like the good Joe Citizen he was to be handcuffed and they just wanted to push him down? Please. Common sense tells anyone better than that. They needed to expedite the handcuffing and arresting as quick as possible, clearing and securing the area. To many variables are possible in such a potentially volatile situation. I for one wouldn't expect them to powder puff an arrest of anyone on the street. It is to open and dangerous, if they make the choice to resist, oh well. :dunno:

True, we don't know the story. All we can do is talk about what we've seen in that video. Speculating on what happened before, after and so on, is nothing more than assumptions.That really goes for anyone saying that it is or isn't police brutality.

To me it looks like police brutality in that video. I'm not trying to take sides in this. I think that it's better to view it objectively. I'm all for respecting the police and their autority, but I also very much believe in strict rules for the police and how they can use force.

I'm just saying that based on this video alone, it looks like they are just beating up a person, who they aren't having much problems with in the moments that we've seen. There could have been a threat against them, either from the guy on the ground or from others. We don't know. All we have is that video. Justifying the police officers' actions by something besides what we've seen, is no more valid than calling it police brutality based on something we haven't seen IMO.
When I saw this horrible video on tv (too many unnecessary punches on his noze, he was stuck on the ground and in the end harmless but they continued to beat him as everybody have seen) I heard that the shown part was the least violent:eek: those cops just don't deserve to wear their uniform, that's shameful! I wish I could see their asses broken down in a jail...