So seraphiM how exactly does the law work in regards to people breaking into your home. Are you infact allowed to shoot them, per self-defense, or what? I heard if you shoot them in the back it's murder but if you shot them in the front it's self-defense! Anyway that's what I'd do to answer your question!
As long as you can convince 12 people that you felt your life was endanger you'll have no problem.
I personally have never heard of a case that involved the prosecution of a homeowner (when it came to stranger v stranger encounters).
It doesn't matter what the guy did before! You can't do that!! The cops had him safe... Assholes!
How can you say it doesn't matter?
That's right, I forgot.
When was the last time you physically tried to force someone to do something they didn't want to do?
Why was he still resisting?
Another person would have given up his hands and complied.
Just because he said he couldn't breath, does that mean he couldn't? (It stands to reason that if you can speak you can breath)
Or was he playing up to the camera? Is that so unheard of?
Neither one of us has all of the facts in this case.
I'm not saying Police Brutality doesn't happen, hell this is the same world where priests molest young boys!
What I am saying is that just because we see police officers getting physical with a suspect, that doesn't mean it wasn't justifiable in the eyes of the law.
Most people don't want the police around and could careless when one gets hurt or killed on the job.
They only want police officers when they need them.
When their homes get burglarized, or loved ones are raped or robbed.
They they all look for the boys in blue.
I wonder if you will call on the same "Assholes" when your ass is on the line?
In the biggest case of hypocrisy,
I know 911 is the first number you'll dial!