L.A. Police done it again and caught on tape !

It's funny how quick we all are to judge,

Did anyone bother to think why they only showed 19 sec of the clip?

Anyone bother to ask what the hell happened to spur this on before the tape was cut on?

I guess not.

With all of the insults said here so far I can't help but wonder who you will call the next time a mugger has held a gun in your face or someone breaks into your home and violates the sanctity of your home :dunno:

Thank you!
I've had a few run ins with cops myself, never been beat up by them though because at least I show some respect, after all, those guys are armed, so even if you don't respect the badge, respect the fact that if they chose to do so they could just put a bullet between your eyes and make it seem like they were defending themselves. As for that video, if the guy is some scumbag who deserves to be beat up because he killed someone, molested a kid, raped a woman, mugged some poor slob, vandalized my car, or just was stupid enough to not know when to shut the hell up, then go cops, give him one more for me. I'm kind of sick and tired of people caring more for the rights of criminals than for the rights of law abiding people. :2 cents:
It was L.A. Police again beating , punching the innocent but caught on tape on http://www.youtube.com. Do a search on L.A. Police.

Here is the link (in case the link is deleted, go to youtube.com and search L.A. Police Beating)

The interesting thing is the partner tried to stop the cop from beating the guy and blocking his partner despite the poor man was down and not resisting.


lawl, i thought it was a porno! LOLZ :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I agree with acting nice and being polite to cops - infact, I agree with being that way to anybody and everybody ... be they "authority" or not.

That said - many cops I know of personally don't deserve respect. They treat you like shit because they know there is jack-little John Q Public can practically do or say.

I am uneasy about agreeing with the "pull-over-and-do-exactly-as-the-cop-tells-you-to-otherwise" mentality. Of the police officers I'v encountered over the years, I'd say 1 or 2 cops out of every 10 shouldn't be cops in the first place.

Cops have a hard job - I don't deny that one bit. But don't expect me to be subservient to one. Treat me like a citizen and I'll treat you like an officer of the law.

And as far as "responsibility" for self and property - I don't rely on nor expect cops to protect either in any case - I take care of myself and my family. I've made "citizens arrests" before and I can damned well do them again.

By the way old joke:
The US Government decided to end the dispute over which US agency was superior to all others. The three finest organizations, the FBI, CIA, and LAPD, were to be put to a test, and whichever agency had the best results would be hereafter be dubbed the greatest agency in the US.

The task was this. A small bunny rabbit would be released into a large forest, whichever agency could find it the fastest would be the winner.

First up was the CIA. The CIA used undercover agents dressed as trees and other animals to try to build up intelligence on the bunny's location. After spending nearly 3 months in the forest trying to build up basic intelligence, they gave up, knowing that they had lost and would never find the bunny.

Next up was the FBI. For a full month, they scoured the forest looking for any hints or clues. After the month was over, the FBI came out, burned down the forest and claimed that no such bunny ever existed.

Finally, it was the LAPD's turn. They barged into the forest and after 20 minutes, a battered and dazed bear came stumbling out of the forest screaming, "I'M A BUNNY, I'M A BUNNY!"

I've had a few run ins with cops myself, never been beat up by them though because at least I show some respect, after all, those guys are armed, so even if you don't respect the badge, respect the fact that if they chose to do so they could just put a bullet between your eyes and make it seem like they were defending themselves. As for that video, if the guy is some scumbag who deserves to be beat up because he killed someone, molested a kid, raped a woman, mugged some poor slob, vandalized my car, or just was stupid enough to not know when to shut the hell up, then go cops, give him one more for me. I'm kind of sick and tired of people caring more for the rights of criminals than for the rights of law abiding people. :2 cents:

That is absolutely true and enjoy the rep for this good post.
I have not commented on this yet because I can't see the video so it wouldn't be totally fair. Everybody should be innocent until proven guilty, both the police and the person they are trying to take down. With that said and from what I heard everybody comment on unless the police have a very very good explanation for what they have done then they need some explaining to do. Once the situation is in hand or relatively in hand the cops don't get to have freebies at the guy just because they are pissed off and all too often that is the case. You and me aren't allowed to use any more force than reasonably necessary to control the situation. The police are or at least should be held to a higher standard than even everyday people and if they can't accept that they don't need to be cops and should leave. We are better off without them. I don't care if the person they just caught was the worse serial killer in the history of the country. So I hope they really do have a good explanation for their actions. Of course maybe the guy was still struggling, although it still seems excessive. Then again maybe the guy just assumed that at that point if he did nothing to resist he would just be continually beaten until he either died or was crippled.

I also don't like the mentality the police have developed in recent history where they assume everybody they come across is guilty or is trying to do something to them. Instead of being innocent until proven guilty they just assume you’re guilty. That is why you end up with situations like in New York where somebody was shot 19 times and three police officers emptied their entire magazines of ammo into him because he was pulling out his wallet to identify himself. While only being hit 19 times, he was shot at over 40!!! Most cops I have seen have their hand on the gun in their holster when they go up to a car, even if it's just a speeding ticket. Then they want to ask you twenty questions that have nothing to do with what you did, and when they have no reasonable cause to do so (probably some fishing expedition). Could not treating people like they are some killer that's about to take them out at any second put them in more danger, yes, but then again they should be held to a higher standard and if they can't except that... They have to remember they are not at war with the people they are trying to protect; they are not solders overseas with the enemy. There are some places where if your life was in danger the cops might show up an hour later when there is no risk to them anymore, but they’re always right there trying to tag somebody going 5mph over the speed limit. I even know a person that is getting old and is afraid of dying of old age inside his house where the police or other officials might have to come in because there has been reports of items mysteriously going missing from their possession in cases where that happened. That is just a small sample among a list of things they do, and then they wonder why the people don't like them.

Then there are the cops that are just plain assholes. With greater power comes even greater responsibility. To those types of cops, however, it's more like with greater power means I can go on a power trip, do what I want, and you will sit there and like it because their is nothing you can do about it. Usually they are right there isn't anything you can do about it. Of course as soon as you evoke your rights or become "uncooperative" to them they will get even worse. It's too easy for them to forget that they are our servants, not the other way around. It isn't like this is a rare unheard of phenomena, and for every one that is overtly bad their are countless others that will turn their head and look the other way. You know it's bad when they have actually created a term for it, "The Blue Wall of Silence". I consider those people to be as bad if not worse than the overtly corrupt. Things like that can't go on and have people give them the benefit of the doubt when videos like this pop up. It's no surprise that a lot of people immediately side against the police. In some respects if they don’t like it they should blame a lot of their colleges and forbears in law enforcement that have crated the mentality the public has towards them.

It seems most of the time when a video pops up like this the police still get off though. Not only that but remember, even with the vast amounts of camera phones and camcorders that are out there now for every one incident like this there are probably over 1,000 that are never seen.

Maybe someday the solution to things like this will be when they develop technology to make every officer of the law while on duty or making a arrest wear a small picture and sound recording system that can record everything they do during their job for future reference. That way not only will they have something that can tell them what happens when somebody complains but also it can be used by the officers when they are innocent to show the truth.
The US Government decided to end the dispute over which US agency was superior to all others. The three finest organizations, the FBI, CIA, and LAPD, were to be put to a test, and whichever agency had the best results would be hereafter be dubbed the greatest agency in the US.

The task was this. A small bunny rabbit would be released into a large forest, whichever agency could find it the fastest would be the winner.

First up was the CIA. The CIA used undercover agents dressed as trees and other animals to try to build up intelligence on the bunny's location. After spending nearly 3 months in the forest trying to build up basic intelligence, they gave up, knowing that they had lost and would never find the bunny.

Next up was the FBI. For a full month, they scoured the forest looking for any hints or clues. After the month was over, the FBI came out, burned down the forest and claimed that no such bunny ever existed.

Finally, it was the LAPD's turn. They barged into the forest and after 20 minutes, a battered and dazed bear came stumbling out of the forest screaming, "I'M A BUNNY, I'M A BUNNY!"

:rofl: I heard that joke a long time ago, but instead of the CIA, FBI, and LAPD, it was the FBI, Interpol, and the punchline was the Mexican Judiciales torturing a burro by zapping its balls with electroshocks saying "we caught it in 5 minutes, but the son of a bitch doesn't want to confess he's a rabbit"